Chapter 7

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My friends are so excited about the contract and it was then that I thought to look through it with them. It was the same as the other one, minus the six month period and not belonging to another if rejected and the bite. Plus it also adds about me being a witch and my use of magic with or around him which is worded in such a way that if others read it, they would think that she needs to only act etc. But of course my friends know about me and him so they got the meaning behind it.

The rest of the weekend was spent with my friends at home, watching TV  series and talking about the club and the contract. It turns out that Devine was also asked to sign a contract but she doesn't want a Dom as a partner but would like to go once in awhile to the club, Selina on the other hand wants to get a partner but she's not in a hurry but both said they will live the experience through me. He gave me a break this weekend but come Monday, I am to meet with him every day at eight. He said that if I'm permanent, I will live with him and he will handle everything in my life, that gave me a stop because I was hoping to have this relationship a secret but if I am his, I'll have to let everyone know and witches don't like vampires... My coven especially since they are old school where other species never got along, which I just call racists but also because of the war. I should have thought of it before I signed but I didn't think it would be that serious, in the books, it's a secret relationship that eventually might be serious dating out of the playroom but I never thought a vampire would want a witch because my coven is not the only species that are racist, all are but the old vampires are more likely to be, so maybe he is young enough for racism not to be an issue.

Sarina was called away because Darren, the Dom she met at the club wants another session. She changed then informed us about going shopping afterwards with him. Devine also decided to go to the club but I told them that I had things to do, the coven was having an emergency meeting tomorrow morning for a health care problem. They sometimes do spiritual healing for special cases, life or death cases under the radar. I have to be there since I have great healing powers. My family is known for having strong witches with one or two lower than average, I am actually not sure how powerful I am, as I have not tested myself or really got into magic other than to heal so I always fell back in classes but passed because of my healing that was above average and rare talent. Not many can heal these days and rely on earth remedies but I somehow got the natural healing touch. In a witch community, your power is never singular, it's the covenant power, if a witch helps or hurts someone, it's the coven that gets praised or pays, not the individual. This is the thought that brings fear and dread throughout my being as I am taught to stay away from other species, even humans to an extent but vampire's especially and here I am, going into a relationship with him, one that allows him to command me.

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