Chapter 3

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I was shivering with fright and I was wincing as my sculp hurt "I'm s soryy, I just wanted the guy to erm get away from me" I said breathlessly "I just spilled his drink!" I noticed that I was limp in his clutches on the bed and got up which thankfully reduced the pull on my hair but I couldn't get out of the bed unless he let go so I sat up in the bed and looked down quivering in fear. He moved his hand and my head so I would look up at him "maybe you need to be punished so you will remember the rules" he said to me so softly and caressed my cheek with the back of his fingers in a feather light touch, my eyes expanded and I started whimpering "please, please, I'm sorry I used magic, I -" he pulled me up and out the bed and to the door "shut up little witch, you are entirely too entertaining, leave before I do something I'll regret later and DO NOT USE MAGIC IN MY CLUB AGAIN" his eyes softened at the end though "if a guy is harassing you, that's why the bouncers are there, use them"

I laid in bed under the warm blanket and just stared at the ceiling, the feelings I got when I was with that vampire... That drop dead gorgeous vampire, it was not only fear and I want to see him again but I had to leave before my phone died and I hated to leave Devine and Selina but they had it coming for leaving me alone and not answering their phones. Plus he practically shoved me out but I'll see him next weekend.

I got calls and messages from my friends but me being me, I was mad and just didn't want to talk so I ignored it as much as I could. I was having dinner when my phone lit up with 'mom' and I signed because I knew I couldn't miss the call "hey mom, what's up" "listen, before you say no, it is compulsory for witches who turned or who will turn 21 in the year to meet the head council, so to make it easy, they hold a birthday bash in the council estate, you are expected to attend on the 21st of December" I gave out a royal sign, I remember the tradition and was dreading an invitation "I know mom, I'll come home before I go" "OK great, we can go shopping before you leave! It's a three day event but remember to take two weeks off as time is different in other dimensions plus the one week you will be here, love you baby" "love you too, bye" just thinking about the meet and greet party makes me want to sleep for a week but to make up the two weeks, at least to me, I have to go earlier and finish later than my usual at work which I don't bother asking overtime for.
I hate working with others in close proximity and that is why I am glad to give this job up and work alone in a small bookstore next year. I greated the two others working with me and went to my desk and started the computer, I can see them looking at my clothes and I look to theirs, one looks untidy even though she wears professional clothes and the other wears jeans but it looks like pants and I'm wearing jeggings with a professional top, I look smart, neat and I feel good but they don't like that, when I wear jeans etc they say I look nice but now they won't? Sigh people! I swear they can be so annoying, like when I ask a customer for their ID so I can find them on the system, they scold me because they know all the customers and its unprofessional asking them that, I say it's better to ask once then ask their name and surname when there could be more with the same name and the phone connection is bad so we keep asking, plus asking for spelling of a name is worse etc. In the end you reach the same result! Plus don't they ask you for your ID every other professional place you go to get info?

Today is my last day but I need time on my own and it's the reason why I didn't tell mom, so after work, I took the bus since I canceled my lift and looked out the window in a daydream and my first thought was the club. As much as I was scared, I felt first hand how a Dom and a sub was, he dominated me and I submitted naturally before I fought and failed to stand up to myself, I want to know at least once what a relationship like that would be and out of all the doms I saw at the club, he is who I want, no... Need! To dominate me.

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