Chapter 5

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He was dressed in a light and dark blue suit which was so distracting in this Gothic dungeon of a room, his amazing grey eyes clouded over when he saw what I had in my hands "could you not wait for an invitation, Miss Andrea?" I got up quickly because it was so intimidating sitting with him standing, as it is, standing did nothing to help. "I'm sorry... How do you know my name?" I asked as an after thought. He smiled and walked to me then bent towards my mouth and my brain froze as my heart thrashed then he was up again with a raised eyebrow "Miss Andrea? Are you feeling well, you look flustered" I gulped "erm yesh, I, I mean yeah, yes I'm good, I mean fine" shit, shit, shit! Damn my stupid frozen brain! "this is actually for you but I thought it best to explain things before you sign" I blinked and looked at the contract "are you... Giving me a job? Because I don't think, I mean I have a job that I like already" he doesn't need to know that I'm only starting next year "It can be pleasant to let someone else take charge" huh? I must have looked as confused as I was because he pushed me the contract, the one I hadn't gotten to see, but now when I flip to the first page, I see it's a contract between a Dominant and a Submissive "I had this done for you but wasn't going to give it to you unless you came to my club again, now that you here, I will give you one last chance to back out... If you don't, them you will belong to me" he walked out the room and closed the door then I hear a lock, I freaked and ran to try the door and it is as I feared , he locked me in! I tried screaming but after a few tries, I gave up. I checked my phone but it somehow was not in the bag pocket. I turned and looked at the contract that fell to the floor when I ran to the door.

I didn't know what he meant and although he scared the shit out of me, I couldn't help but feel a thrill when he pronounced me his, but I know enough about bdsm and the relationships through books I read, I also know that it's the submissive that's in charge and that also gave me a thrill so I thought, why not just give it a try? Just a trial to see if I like it out of the books as I do reading about it. I know this is my decision alone to make but I need reassurance from my friends who are also interested in this, but somehow, I don't think I will get a chance. There is also the fact that he is the one asking me and he is the one that attracted me the most out of all the other Doms I've seen the other day.

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