16 - Submission

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Both wolves wasted no time after they've shifted.

They had limbs that burst to life as the echoes of their howls diminished to silence. The shift made their minds clearer, the darkness reduced to a subtle twilight and the sound of each other's hearts a beacon where they clung.

Torryn saw her pierce the woods where they passed, the beat of her heart a constant drum. What was once fear that dwelled in Snow's heart was now a rippling glee. Her wolf was young and curious, her fledgling frame hesitated between the trunks. Torryn ran beside her. His wolf a solitary guide through the woods. His built was sleek and stern, his actions more composed. Being in wolf form too often made it feel like second nature for him.

Snow struggled through the woods like a cub on its first hunt. Her every move relied on Torryn. It made his heart swell as he watched her follow beside him.

She had no idea how beautiful she was.

Her wolf was a mix of gold midday sunlight and pale moonlight silver. The white fur made the ash blonde streaks a contrasting gradient on her head. As the two colors bled throughout her body, the shades of white and gold blended seamlessly until her limbs were white as snow.

Torryn led her to the clearing where the woods posed no boundaries. As she dove into the moonlit meadow, she began to run. The she-wolf started bobbing, bouncing every other step like a cub on the loose. She twisted and turned towards him watching if he followed behind her.

She need not to worry, Torryn thought, for his eyes were only on her.

Follow me, he spoke as his limbs bolted a powerful stride. Torryn saw her follow. He led her through the clearing, passing the stables, and into rows of pine trees. Their destination was the garden below Torryn's chambers. The patches of unroofed soil bear witness to the garden's expanding growth. Lilies and fox gloves bloomed as Snow bowed her head to touch the petals with her nose.

Torryn found the arch of stone that led to the winding stairs. He shifted as his human form ached in need of her.

"I need you in my bed, little bird." His voice growled in need as he spoke.

Snow looked through the stone arch as the flames lit the small corridor. Her paws landed through the bed of wild daisy as she heard him call. Snow's mewl made him smirk as he bent down to dip his hands into the fur of her neck.

Torryn's heart beat wild. He was barely breathing. Snow kept her green wolf eyes on him as he pressed his forehead on hers. His chest a chasm that held his rioting heart pounded as Torryn pulled against her neck. His fingers laced through her fur. Her name landed in small breaths on her soft coat.

He wanted her.

Just as Torryn's heart began to slam deafening pulses against his ears, Snow shifted. A tangle of dark brown curls branching through Torryn's finger tips. He landed soft kisses on the skin of her neck where he marked her tracing the scar with his tongue. He could not resist her.

Torryn pulled her up and dragged her into his chambers.

The full force of his need sent thick energy that made Snow pant. He sat her down on his sheets as his lips found her mouth. He pinned her down to the edge of his bed as his gaze travel to her body. His face spelled greed, his hands where a glutton between the wetness of her thighs. He stroked her as she arched her back in cries of sweet pleasure.

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