49-Save Her

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Play Believer by Imagine Dragons for this chapter

(Please read the authors note at the end — thank you)

Chapter 49: Save Her

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I groan inwardly at the annoying noise that doesn't seem to want to shut off. Begrudgingly, I go to lift the sheets to find the source of the disturbance but I can't. I almost scream in agony when I try to move my right arm, my limb violently protesting against me.


I try to open my eyes to at least gauge where I am but they won't move, I'm stuck in this dark, blank space.

What's going on?

I can hear noises around me but they're faint and quiet, the previous beeping noise becoming more distant by the second. I'm begging my eyes to open, my fingers to twitch, my toes to wiggle but they won't. I'm stuck as this lifeless board, drifting from reality.

I don't know how long I lay there, fighting against this unknown force, desperately gripping to any hope of freedom but it was no use. Time just dragged on and on and on. Painfully. And slowly.

As the darkness consumes me, ready to swallow me whole, I know it's over. There's no way to fight this. My body is bound by invisible chains, my mouth and eyes sewn shut, making escape futile.

I stop my useless attempts to thrash about to loosen the binds, instead relaxing my body into a state of tranquility, ready for my struggle to finally end.

I can feel my life force being sucked away drop by drop, numbing the awareness to my nonexistent surroundings. I can no longer hear the thrum of voices or even the incessant beeping sound that was grating against my eardrums.

Everything is quiet.

Everything is still.

I welcome the peace with open arms, knowing this lonesome suffering is almost at a close. Soon I'll be free and away from this secluded limbo. Just a few more moments. My heart begins to slow, it's previous loud thumping now undetectable as each pump becomes further and further apart.

My mind begins to shut down, all thoughts escaping my brain, forgotten and unwanted as they're no longer of any use. It's over.

The veil of darkness is finally dropping to fully cover me when I suddenly feel a warmth spark at my fingertips, jolting my entire body, everything rushing back, and forcing it away.

I yearn for it to return, to envelop me once more but instead the chains which trap me choose to tighten and tighten to the point where it's excruciating, my body writhing in pain, a meek, pointless attempt at willing the binds to slacken somewhat.




I wish the darkness had come sooner. Anything is better than this. The numbness of my body is different to before. Instead of a comforting emptiness, harrowing, gruelling spasms rush up my spine, my entire being numb to everything except that antagonising feeling.

If I could move, I'm sure it would look like I'm having a seizure of some sort, my body jerking with unpredictable and aggressive movements. The thoughts pounding in my mind were full of distress and torment, further pushing me into a downward spiral of eternal affliction.

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