Character list

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I thought it would be a good idea to have a list with all the characters as there are quite a few. It's not important for you to remember all of them as a lot of them are side characters but I thought it would be nice to have the list anyway. I've also included what their ages would've been at the BEGINNING of the story.

I have also added some anecdotes so that way this isn't just a boring list, enjoy!


Aurora (main character. If you don't know her you clearly haven't been paying any attention smh) - 17

Wyatt (main character - self proclaimed badass who has the mathematics skills of your average ten year old ) - 17 (18 in a few weeks)

Friends/ people from school

James (Aurora's ex-boyfriend - I volunteer to punch him) - 17

Ava (Aurora's best friend - also a cheerleader who's friends with Chloe...) - 17

Max (one of Aurora's best guy friends - likes to ask stupid questions) - 17

Mason (Aurora's other best guy friend and an all round cinnamon roll) - 17

Jessica (part of Aurora's close friendship group - also a wild party animal) - 17

Jordan (part of Aurora's close friendship group - fun fact Shakespeare turns him on, yes he's strange) - 17

Chase (part of Aurora's close friendship group + Oliver's twin - bit of a chav and a man whore) - 17

Oliver (part of Aurora's close friendship group + Chase's twin - also loves but hates his girlfriend - they seriously need to work out their issues 😬) - 17

Eli (Wyatt's best friend - has literally slept with EVERYONE) - 17

Rebekah (Oliver's girlfriend - still not sure how they've lasted) - 17

Emma (Jessica's girlfriend - board game enthusiast) - 16

Chloe (James' new 'girlfriend' + mean girl - surprisingly, she's not mean to everyone, not even Aurora (mostly) she just does whatever to get what she wants - but she does bully people for no reason, can't win them all I guess) - 17


Ella (Aurora's mum - the 'cool mum' that is actually cool) - 44

Alice (Aurora's sister + Hugo's twin - sarcastic teen who loves the colour black) - 15

Hugo (Aurora's brother + Alice's twin - loves gaming and is 'one of the popular boys'...) - 15


Alastair (Wyatt's dad - has a lot of kids ) - 49

Camilla (Wyatt's mum - seriously, I don't think these two know what protection is) - 48

Mitchell (Wyatt's uncle + dad's half brother - chill police officer that lets Wyatt get away with minor crimes and probably one of Wyatt favourite adults) - 39

Nathaniel — ie. Nathan  (Wyatt's brother - a bit of an idiot who is soon taking over a multinational company) - 24

Zackary — ie. Zack (Wyatt's brother - chill guy who hangs about in his room shirtless) - 21

Harper (Wyatt's sister - likes to travel but kind of a mystery at this point) - 20

Hunter (Wyatt's brother + Aria's twin - ironically has never hunted) - 15

Aria (Wyatt's sister + Hunter's twin - seems to be loosing all of her clothes for no apparent reason or Wyatt just didn't tell her that he was taking them) - 15

Daniel (Wyatt's brother - wants to be a road man ) - 13

Noah (Wyatt's brother + Carter and Brooklyn's triplet - cheeky and likes to piss off Nathan) - 8

Carter (Wyatt's brother + Noah and Brooklyn's triplet - aids Noah in the 'making Nathan's life a living hell' scheme) - 8

Brooklyn (Wyatt's sister + Noah and Carter's triplet - troublemaker who acts innocent and can literally get away with doing anything wrong with one look) - 8

Olivia (Nathan's daughter - she's a baby no defining personality traits yet...) - 5 months

Mr. Caterpillar — ie. Cat (family dog - likes to lick people)

Anna (nanny/mother figure to King children - stoic but has a soft spot for dogs) - 57


I don't even know what to say about Jordan so I won't...

Also, let me know who's your favourite character so far!

So that's everyone with some importance so far, I know there's a lot — sorry. I literally almost forgot a few of them and I'm the author so don't worry if you can't remember them all.

I was going to post this a bit later but I wouldn't have been able to update this week (I won't be able to next week either — sorry) due to exams so I thought it was better to give you guys this than nothing at all. Hopefully I gave you a slight insight into some characters and managed to make you smile :)

Well, that's all for now. Until next time, byeeeeee.

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