12-I Painted Hugo's Room Hot Pink

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Chapter 12: I Painted Hugo's Room Hot Pink

It's Saturday!

I'm literally happy dancing right now, no joke. This week felt like a lifetime and now it's finally the weekend, hallelujah!

For some reason even though this week was actual hell and it tired me to no end I woke up early this morning, strange I know. It's five thirty in the morning but I couldn't have more of energy. I can't make any noise though otherwise Alice and Hugo will murder me so I think I'm going to go for a run before breakfast.

That reminds me, mum is still away for work which means I'm not having one of her heavenly means, fucks sake.

I quickly put on my running clothes and quietly make my way down the stairs. If I wake up the twins I won't hear the end of it, trust me I've done it before. They made my life a living hell for a week, I've tried to suppress those memories but the mere thought makes me shudder involuntarily. Let's just say I've learnt my lesson and will never be doing that again.

A lot of people ask me why I bother with running. They say things like 'are you that obsessed with how you look' or 'you're not fat so why bother', stupid I know. They don't seem to understand that I run because I like it. Yes, it keeps me in shape but that's not why I do it. I run because it helps me. Whenever I have a lot on my mind or I'm stressed running helps me clear my head. It doesn't have to be about looks all the time, people just don't seem to understand that.

The days haven't gotten too much shorter yet because it's only September so the sun is out. Soon I'm going to have to rethink the times when I run because as we get closer to winter the sun comes out less and less.

I'm going to go around the park–which is about a fifteen-minute jog away–that takes about half an hour and come back. So in total about an hour jog, not too intensive but I'm not in the mood for that.

Because it's early there are not too many cars about which means I can jog in peace. I put in my headphones and bob my head to the music as I go down the all too familiar path.

The only problem with the park is when I get too close to any dogs. I wouldn't say I'm scared of them but I'm not exactly comfortable around them either. I can handle walking past a dog when their owner has them on a leash but when they are allowed to just run wild is when I get worried.

That's another good thing about going for a run at this time. It's about ten to six on a Saturday morning, no one in their right mind is up–I'm the exception, obviously–so there are a scarce number of dogs around.

Just as I say that I hear a barking noise. I fucking jinxed myself, great. I look around but see no dog in sight, maybe I'm just imagining things. Never mind, as I turn around I can see one in the distance running towards me.


Hold up.



In this situation I did what any person with a working brain would do, I run, I run fast, I run very fast.

Stupid, stupid me. I'm never going to able to outrun a freaking dog. What the hell was I thinking?!

As the seconds go by it starts to gain on me now it's just a few metres away. Oh, why? What did I do to deserve this? I've been good–mostly. Okay so maybe I took Alice's iPhone charger without telling her and claimed it as my own so she thought she lost hers and had to buy a new one. And maybe I painted Hugo's room hot pink and swapped everything in his room for the hot pink version as well–in my defence I had a good reason, he finished MY cereal one morning so I had to have stupid porridge for breakfast. And maybe I was driving mum's car and crashed it into a lamppost because I was cursing a driver for not indicating. But I'm a saint, honestly, I am.

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