16-Covered In Popcorn, Butter And Coke

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Chapter 16: Covered In Popcorn, Butter And Coke

My morning so far has consisted of homework, sounds fun I know. It's now twelve and I've done all of my work, a job well done if you ask me. I don't have to go over to Wyatt's until four so I've got some time to kill. So what better to do than read?

About half an hour later Hugo walks into my room. "Have you ever heard of knocking?" I ask, sarcastically as I turn the page.

I see him roll his eyes from over my book. "Nope. Is that a foreign concept because it sounds totally new to me?" he replies also very sarcastically, he learnt from the best.

"Ha ha, very funny."

"Oh, I know," he smirks. Oh come on, even my own brother does that now, what has the world come to? "Anyway, get your lazy arse up, you've got a visitor." After saying this he walks out without another word.

Strange. I'm not expecting anyone. I close my book and hop out of bed before going downstairs to the lounge. Low and behold sitting on the sofa is none other than one of my best friends, Maxwell Rivers.

I slowly tiptoe to where he is sitting and scream in his ear. He jolts in his seat and flips the bowl of popcorn and the glass of coke in his hands so it goes all over him. At his reaction, I burst out laughing. He clutches his chest in his hand before turning to glare at me. "What the hell, Ari?!" He screeches.

I just laugh in response, clutching my stomach from doing it so hard. "I couldn't resist," I choke out between laughs.

"Jeez, is this what I get for wanting to hang out with my friend?"

"Yep," I say, still smiling, at least I've managed to control my laughing.

He shakes his head at me, a grin forming on his face. "Damn, I can't stay mad at you, come here," he says just before he lunges at me and tackles me into a bear hug.

"No!" I scream whilst laughing. "You're covered in popcorn, butter and coke, stop!"

"Never!" He calls, rubbing his dirty clothes all over me. "This is payback."

"Fine, fine," I start, trying to squirm out of his hold, still laughing. "You win, I surrender."

"What was that?" He asks, rubbing his hair on my face.

"You win, I'm sorry," I say, still laughing from the whole situation.

"Good," he grins letting go of me. I sit up, gasping for air. I haven't hung out with Max in a while, I forgot how much fun it was. I miss this, I miss spending time with him.

"So what brings you here?" I ask, trying to dust down my clothes.

"Can't a guy want to see his friend for no reason?" He asks, widening his big grey eyes to emulate a puppy, it's very effective.

"I don't know," I say in a sing-song voice.

"Fine, I wanted to hang out. We haven't hung out as just the two of us in forever and I miss it. James always got in the way, he didn't like us hanging out alone so we barely got to do it. Now we can so I thought we could watch a movie, probably Disney because that's all you'll watch."

The mention of James makes me wince but I hide it and smile at Max. That's too sweet. "Well I'd love that Maxi," I say ruffling his hair as I do.

He groans but plops himself down on the sofa. "How many times have I told you not to call me that?" I shrug. "Urgh. Anyway, since it has to be Disney can I at least pick which one?" I nod. "Great, let's watch Aladdin."

"Okay," I say, putting in the movie. I lie down on the sofa with Max and put my head on his lap, readying myself for the movie, god I love Disney.

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