26-Overly Thorough Directions

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Chapter 26: Overly Thorough Directions

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Stupid fucking alarm clock. I reach to my right to turn the damn thing off but as I do I realise I can't move very much. At this point I decide to open my eyes and when I do I realise I'm not in my room, I'm in Wyatt's.


I immediately remember the previous days events, each moment replying in my mind at a high speed.

I hear a soft groan coming from next to me and it's at this point I realise I'm not in the bed alone. Wyatt is lying next to me with his arm draped over my waist, so that's why I couldn't move properly.

Why the hell was I okay sleeping in the same bed as him?! Stupid sleepy Ari, I should never be allowed to make decisions whilst tired.

"Green eyes?" I hear the person next to me say in a slightly husky morning voice. "Why are you up so early?" Wyatt yawns.

I turn to the alarm clock to see it reads quarter past seven, shit. I immediately attempt to jump out of bed, attempt being the key word as Wyatt's arm keeps me firmly in place. "Wyatt," I groan. "Get your arm off me, I'm running so late. How the hell am I supposed to get home and get ready in time for school?"

I've decided not to think too much about us snuggling in our sleep, it's easier for my brain that way. Plus, I've slept in the same bed as Max before so it's not that big a deal.

"Green eyes, I'll take you to school, chill. You can borrow some of Aria's clothes like that time you got really drunk," he says chuckling and smirking at the end as he sits up, stretching his arms.

I groan and shake my head, trying to rid myself of the embarrassment before I playfully hit Wyatt's arm which he has finally moved off my waist.

"Okay, thanks," I reply, choosing to ignore the sly comment about my drunken self. "Do you have a spare toothbrush I can use as well?"

"Yep. You can use the same one you did last time, it's still in the guest bathroom. Go there and have a shower and everything, I'll leave Aria's clothes outside the door."

I nod gratefully at him and slip out of the bed. As I'm about to turn the door handle I realise I've no idea where the guest room is, I just can't remember, god I'm horrible with directions. I sheepishly turn around to face Wyatt and he immediately catches onto what I'm about to say.

"Let me guess, you can't remember where the guest room is?"

I nod and scratch the back of my neck in embarrassment.

He sighs. "Of course you can't. You're absolutely horrible with directions, I'd never let you navigate me anywhere," he chuckles as I scowl at him. "No need for the face, green eyes, I'm only telling you the truth," he teases. This causes me to huff at him and cross my arms but this just makes him laugh further.

"You look cute when you're mad," he says, still laughing.

After finally sobering up, Wyatt tells me where the guest room is, twice because he doesn't trust I'll remember, and also says to be ready and in the dining room in half an hour — he reminds me where it is twice as well — because Anna will be mad if we go to breakfast any later than that.

I hurry off to the guest bathroom, not getting lost for once, thanks to Wyatt's overly thorough directions, brush my teeth and have a quick shower, using whatever shower gel is at my disposal, it just so happened to be strawberry scented so I was pretty happy.

By the time I'm done and have wrapped a towel around myself, there is clothes outside the door like Wyatt promised. It's nothing fancy, just a plum coloured long-sleeve top, faded boyfriend jeans and a tan belt. The clothes fit fine, albeit the jeans are slightly too long, meaning I had to roll the ends so they cut at my ankles and the top is a bit tight in the chest area but overall they're a pretty decent fit.

Reckless Fearless Careless | ✓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ