20-You Only Won Because Of That Stupid Door

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Chapter 20: You Only Won Because Of That Stupid Door

I still have no idea where we're going, it's always a mystery with Wyatt. Fifteen minutes go by before we pull up in front of Wyatt's house. I frown in confusion. Why would he bring me here?

I voice my thoughts and ask him just that as I get out of the car.

"You'll see green eyes," he smirks. Oh, I have a fun new drinking game. Take a shot every time Wyatt smirks. On second thought don't do that, you'll probably end up in the hospital due to alcohol poisoning.

I follow Wyatt into the house, curious to find out his plan. He leads me to a small room next to one of their kitchens, I'm still not over the fact they have more than one by the way. As soon as I step in I tense. This is their dog's room. Their dog has its own freaking room! I'm not surprised, their house is massive.

Cat, their dog, runs up to Wyatt when he sees him. Wyatt goes further into the room, petting and playing with the dog whilst I cower in the doorway. Wyatt turns to me and chuckles. Bastard.

"Come on green eyes, he won't hurt you."

I don't move from my spot and instead glare at Wyatt. He knows I don't like dogs. "You're an asshole. Why in hell's name did you think this would cheer me up?" I glower at him.

"Because Cat is super friendly and I thought I could help you get over your blatant fear of dogs," he reasons.

"I am not afraid of dogs," I lie.

He scoffs. "If that's true come and pet him, I promise he won't bite."

I take a hesitant step forward but immediately jump back when Cat moves towards me. "Nope. Not happening," I say.

Suddenly Cat starts running towards me, I shriek and run in the opposite direction. I'm getting a sense of déjà vu. I sprint to the nearest room and slam the door behind me, stopping Cat from getting any closer.

A few minutes later Wyatt calls to me from the other side of the door. "It's alright, green eyes, I've put Cat back in his room. You're safe."

"I don't believe you," I call back. Wyatt loves to play pranks it wouldn't surprise me.

"You wound me, green eyes," he says and I can imagine him putting his hand to his chest in an overdramatic manner. I roll my eyes. "But I promise he's not here and I never break my promises," he tells me firmly. I'm not sure if it was the conviction in his voice or the sincerity I could hear but I sighed and opened the door. Low and behold Cat wasn't there, I guess he doesn't break his promises.

"So tell me," I start, "what did you originally have planned for today?"

"Well, I was going to get us to take Cat for a walk in hopes of ridding you of your fear but I guess that plan just went down the drain," he sighs, scratching the back of his neck. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

I give him a soft smile. "It's alright, your intentions were pure but do that again and I won't hesitate to rip your intestines out and hang you with them," I warn him.

He chuckles at my threat. "No promises. You're going to have to get over that fear eventually but for now I think we will work on some other things," he tells me and I nod.

"Hang on a sec," I say, "How were you planning to get Cat out of the house without Anna noticing? She loves him and if she found out she'd kill you for skipping school."

"Anna? She has the week off because my mother is back and my father will be here in about a week. She was going to get her to stay but knew she needed time off. My siblings can be a handful."

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