20. Finally found you

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Three days and we still have no clue where she was. I have to admit, she was damn good at playing hide and seek. We have to return in less than four days and we still made no progress. "Don't lose hope Aubrey. "We'll find her." Kayla said. "Yeah I hope so." I said. I was currently in my room and Kayla was here with me. Ashton went out to get something to eat. And Cameron? Well I was pissed at him. He still have not showed up. Kayla told me he was very busy with his work was making up for his lost times. She told me he was miserable while looking for me that he could not even concentrate on his job, so his boss had asked him to work over time. He could just call me if he was busy.

.Ashton came in with some snacks and we settled on the carpet. "So let's make another plan.." he said and we got right to it.


Stupid work. It has been days since I last talked to Aubrey and I was going nuts. They were still looking for Rose so I doubted that it would be the right time to talk, considering she was already stressed. Kayla filled me in with every news now and then and she was with her almost all the time. The thing bothers me is that stupid kid, Ashton. I know he thought Aubrey was Rose and now the confusion was clear but I still doubted him. I did not trust him at all and she was with him most of the time. 

I just got off work and was going home. My office was not in the ideal place, you see. The streets were quite and there were barely much people around here. I always parked my car outside this street, because the last time I parked here, some fucker stole the music system. I was on my way when I heard a scream, a girl's scream and my heart skipped a beat. "Help! Somebody please! Let me go!" Someone cried and I turned so fast that I was thankful I did not sprain my neck. I ran towards the source of sound, because I found that voice familiar. I saw four men, circling someone, two held her by the arm and two were in front of her blocking me from seeing her, but I caught a glimpse of her hair, and when the man moved aside, I saw her face.

It was the same face that haunted me, not in a bad way but in a very good way. The same face I fell for, the same eyes I always drown in, but there was something off about those eyes. I saw red, my blood boiled with anger and I lunged for them after picking up a short but thick wooden stick. The ones who had their backs on me did not get the chance to react before I hit them hard with the stick. The other two stared at me shocked, they were drunk and not in a state to fight which gave me the upper hand. One of them released her arm and lunged for me, and we fought. He was a bit sober and not to mention very bulky. Punches thrown, groans escaped, he had a pocket knife and tried to hit me with it but i managed to dodge it to some extent. At last the third one was out too and the fourth one looked at me, now scared. "You have five seconds to release her and run." I said with venom in my voice and he immediately ran away. Thank goodness he was a scaredy cat.

In the end I was left with a split lip, my shirt was torn from my arm where that bastard had struck me with his pocket knife. I turned to her, "Why didn't you fight them?" I asked her, not believing she just stood there doing nothing, the girl I knew was so daring that she did not need saving from these men, she would have fought them by herself. I gently held her by the arm to examine if she had been hurt but she flinched, "I'm sorry to trouble you. But thank you for saving me." She said, her voice was low, I saw her hands shook slightly. She was scared? "Hey, calm down, you didn't cause me any trouble. Are you okay? You're making me worry." I said softly trying to read her face, this was the first time I was seeing her like this. I have known her half of my life, she has been the closest person to me but yet she seemed so distant. Why was she like that? She looked so....broken. 

She slowly looked up at me, meeting my eyes. Her green eyes looked distant and sad but fear was evident on her face. "Aubrey, you don't look yourself. I don't believe it why are you..." I stopped talking, she instantly panicked and was moved aside, attempting to get away from me. Then I realized as I took a closer look at her, she wore a white knee length summer dress which was a little dirty. Her hair looked different, they were shorter than I had last seen her. Also, why would Aubrey be outside my office at this hour? It was nearly impossible. Realization finally sank in my head and I stopped her by grabbing her arm before she could run away. 

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