4. First day in Hell

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Present day

I opened my eyes and adjusted to the new surroundings. The curtains to the window were open, allowing the bright sunlight to pour in my room. I sat up and stretched my limbs before looking at the clock. It was already seven in the morning. I have always been a morning person but the thought of going to a new school with new people makes me want to curl up in bed and sleep for rest of the day. But that's too good to happen, isn't it?

Heading towards the attached bathroom I picked up my towel on the way. After taking a shower and brushing my teeth I entered my walk in closet, there sat my dresses. I observed them for a while, thinking that this might be good for me, maybe the people here are nice or maybe not. I won't be able to find out until I go there. I grabbed a blouse with knee length skirt and quickly got dressed. After drying my hair, I decided to tie them in a high pony tail. Picking up my bag I closed the door behind me before heading downstairs.

Half way through the stairs my nostrils filled with delicious smell of food. Mom was a really good cook, I might add. I saw her setting the table and joined her, "Good morning, mom" I said picking up the plates, "Good morning, honey. I see you are ready for school. That's my girl. I wonder how you manage to wake up without me dumping water over you." She said making me laugh and laughing with me. She thinks teenagers are clumsy and can not wake up by themselves in the morning. I'm an exception. Sometimes she says she really wishes to see me break some rules so she could get mad at me but I never let that happen.

"I'll make sure that won't happen." I reply and earned a pout from her. I just smiled before sitting down and started eating. Once we were finished I dumped the dishes in the sink and picked up my bag. The housemaid, Bella, was already here and was cleaning the dishes. Mom was ready to go to work, she'll drop me on her way so I waited until she gets the keys.

The car ride was silent as we reached school. To say it was big was an understatement, it was huge! My previous school was nothing compared to this. A rush of adrenaline filled me when I thought about it. There must be a lot of people here, considering the building. My fear got the best of me and I started to panic. So many thoughts rushed through my mind and I wanted to run back home and never come back again.

I felt a hand on my arm and I looked at mom. She looked worried. "don't worry, honey. You'll be fine, I know you are nervous because this is a new place for you but don't be afraid, Ashton will be here by your side." She said and I slightly felt relieved. I totally forgot Ash will be her, Thank God, at least there is someone who doesn't look at me like as inferior to them.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

You can do it Rose.

I sighed again calming my nerves and leaned forward kissing mom on her cheek. "Yeah you are right. Thanks mom. I should go now before I'm late." I said and she smiled tugging my hair behind my ear. "I'm sure you'll make new friends, take care, sweetie." She said as I got out of the car. I waved her good bye as she reversed and drove off.

The new day begins....

I was standing outside of the class room which was packed with students. The girls and boys were almost equal in number. The teacher asked me to stay outside so he could announce my arrival. Saying I am nervous is an understatement, I'm terrified. My hands are shaking and I'm holding onto my skirt for dear life. I don't know how will I get along with the students here but I just hope I do.

"Come in" I heard the teacher call, that was my cue to enter and introduce myself but it was like my feet froze at that spot. Everything will be fine Rose. Breathe. I consoled myself and entered the classroom. All eyes were on me, I spotted Ash in the middle row and he smiled at me slightly nodding his head. He knew I was nervous, he was encouraging me that everything will be okay, and there is nothing to be afraid of. I stood in front of the class, when whispering started; I heard whistles from the boys while the girls just murmured something to each other.

"Everyone quite!" the teacher called out and silence once again filled the room. Now it was my turn to speak, I cleared my throat and started, my eyes flickering to Ash every once in a while to calm my nerves. "Hello everyone. My name is Rose Maxwell and I transferred here from Virtual Academy, Stanverse (AN: I just made up the name) . I look forward to have a peaceful year with you people." I said and managed to smile.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Some guy yelled from back of the class. I know that question was directed towards me, I couldn't help but blush. I slowly shook my head while looking at Ash. "No" I simply said. "Alright, take your seat, Rose." The teacher said and I nodded. Making my way to the middle of the class I took an open seat beside Ash. Thank God he saved me a seat.

The class started and I took out my book. Students would turn around and look at me occasionally which was making me self conscious. Maybe they aren't so bad.

The day dragged on uneventful and I'm glad that I managed to get through. I was always with Ash, we cached up about things we missed in the past two years. He told me he was nominated for the football team captain and now he is one, I was so happy for him. Football is his life, his hobby, his everything. Lunch came by and a guy with blue streaks in his hair approached us when me and Ash were currently heading towards cafeteria.

"Hey man. The coach wants you in the field. He says the final tournament is not far and we have a lot to practice." The boy said to Ash, he glanced at me and smiled. I awkwardly smiled back, he was about to say something when Ash interrupted, "Yeah let's go Drew. We don't want to keep the coach waiting, he can be violent. I'll see you later, Flower. The cafeteria is first door to your left. Don't get lost." He said ruffling me hair, he loves to mess with my hair because he knows I hate people touching them. Idiot.

Ash still calls me flower, which feels weird in front of other people since we were grown up but I never complained. I sort of liked it when he calls me that, it makes me feel wanted and special. "Ugh Ash! Okay I'll see you around. Good luck with practice." I said before turning and walking away.

I was standing outside the cafeteria, wondering if I should go in or not. Now that I was alone, the fear crept back under my skin making me want to run back to Ash. Damn it! Did he have to go? now I'll be alone in middle of the strangers. I mustered up some courage and entered. Few heads turned towards me and I immediately felt cautious. I bought my lunch and searched for a place to sit. Once I spotted one, I approached there and sat down. Everyone seems busy in their conversations, no one was looking at me now and I'm relieved.

Halfway through the lunch I saw a pretty brunette approaching my desk, I shook my head thinking maybe she was just going somewhere passing by me but when she stopped in front of my table I looked up. I recognize her from my class. There was another girl who was with her, she had dark hair, maybe black and hazel eyes.

"You are the new girl right? Do you mind if we sit here?" the brunette asked politely. I was shocked, it never happened to me that someone approach me by themselves to talk to me. I was always alone, no one paid attention towards me. I inwardly smiled thinking that maybe here I could make new friends. "Yeah I am. And sure you can sit here, I don't mind." I replied smiling.

They made themselves comfortable before the brunette spoke again, "I'm Laura. And this is my best friend Emily." She extended her hand and I shook it firmly, "Rose, its nice meeting you both." I said shaking hands with Emily. We were silent for a while until Laura spoke again, "So, you know Ashton? I saw you two talking in the class." She asked and my head shot up I just looked at her processing what she had said. I'm really bad at making conversations with new people, I cleared my throat, "Yes. I know him since childhood. We sort of grew up together." I said remembering the first time we met.

Before she could say something the bell rang indicating the lunch time is over and we should head back to classes. "Um we should probably head back to class now." Emily said. That's the first time she had spoken since then, maybe she does not talk much. I nodded and we stood up dumping the trays in trash can and heading towards class.

My first day at school was not bad. I started to think that I'll be good here because people are nice and maybe I made two new friends, Laura and Emily.

AN: Thank you for reading.
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