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AN : The characters and places in this story are all imaginary. It's all fiction. I came up with the names of the places myself so look past the awkwardness, if they sound a little strange.

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"Rose, where were you? What happened to your clothes a..and your face? Are you alright?" My twin sister, Aubrey asked me. Seeing her makes me feel like I'm standing in front of a mirror. We are identical twins and spitting image of each other. No one can differentiate between us. She was all I had since our parents passed away, and we were left in an orphanage. They say our mother died giving birth to us and our father...well, I heard he was met with an accident while he was drunk and driving. I was still too young to understand how exactly my father passed away.

Tears threatened to spill from my eyes as blinked several times to make them go away. I battled in my mind either to tell her or not. My face was dirty from falling face down on the grass, my clothes were torn from sleeves and the tiny holes in my jeans made it look like I've just had a fight with someone. Aubrey was the only one who truly cared for me in this orphanage, everyone seems to hate me, I don't know why. Being 5 year old and having these problems is not fair. Let's say my life was hell to begin with.

I owe it all to Aubrey. She has been there whenever I needed her. "I...I just tripped and fell on the grass, there were some rocks which tore my clothes." I lied, I couldn't tell her the truth, she'll only think I am ridiculous and couldn't even care for myself. and then she will leave me like everyone else does.

I recalled what had actually happened a few minutes ago, I was walking on the grass when someone called me...

"Look who's here." Lily's voice shrieked  behind me, she was two years older than me and I might add, very very arrogant. Her two friends were just like her. I don't blame them, whoever stays in her company turns into a monster who have nothing to do but to show off and bother the weak ones. To say I am weak is an understatement. I'm pathetic. Really.

I did not have the chance to turn around and face them before I felt hands colliding on my back with full force and before I knew it, my face, including my whole body was lying on the thick grass, face down. I had closed my eyes shut hoping that by not seeing the ground I would be able to avoid making contact with it. Does that sound sane? Definitely not, but what do you expect from a five year old mind?

Ugh! Stupid gravity.

I slowly got up, well tried to get up when I felt weight on my back. My tiny frame collapsed yet again on the grass making me groan in pain. Lily was sitting on my back making sure I was unable to get up. It felt like years when she finally got off me, pulling my hair in the process. A scream pierced my throat but all I heard was their laughter in my ears. "Look at you, how pathetic you are. You can't even stand your guard up and protect yourself." She said, laughing. Her taunts made me want to dig a hole and bury myself in it. Not because I was fuming with anger and hatred for her, but because everything she said was true.

"Rose, Rose? Are you even listening to what I'm saying?" Aubrey snapped me out of my thoughts by shaking me gently. I looked and her and saw my reflection. But I was too far from being like her. She was strong, daring and smart, while I was weak, pathetic and dumb. We are carbon copies of each other but yet we have totally opposite personalities. "Yeah, sorry I spaced out." I replied in a tiny voice. She smiled, holding my hand and leading me to the bathroom.


It was 6 in the evening, Aubrey was helping some girl inside, while I was sitting outside. I watched as children my age or older than me played with each other. I really wished to be friends with them and join them, but my mind won't allow it. I am not a person who makes many friends, I hardly have any. Aubrey is the only one who talks to me and plays with me. And I do not need anyone else anyway.

A silver sports car pulled up in front of the orphanage. None seems to notice except me, because I was the only one here looking around and doing nothing. A beautiful woman stepped out wearing a black coat over jeans and shirt. She had blonde hair and her eyes are covered with sunglasses.

She stood there by her car observing the children and smiled at the sight until her eyes landed on me. I quickly looked away and pretended to play with my fingers. Not an interesting thing to do, I know that. I heard footsteps getting closer until I saw a shadow looming over me, I had no choice but to look up. The woman smiled and sat down in front of me, reaching my eye level. Now, her shades were off and I noticed she had the prettiest green eyes, not that I've seen much.

"Hey, what's your name?" She asked me in a polite voice. No one has ever been good to me except Aubrey. I just stared at her, my mouth hung open when I thought whether to answer or not. I decided to go against my five year old brain which was telling me that she might be a kidnapper and not to talk to her and said in a low voice, "Rose" she smiled, "That's a lovely name, why are you sitting here all alone? You don't want to play with your friends?" she asked wrinkling her perfect brows. I shook my head. "I don't have friends" I said sadly.

She runs her hand through my hair, moving my shoulder length blonde hair from my face. "Would you like to come and live with me?" she asked, I was surprised. Was she kidnapping me? Will she beat me when I go with her. I shook my head again, "I don't know you." I said, this time fear lacing my voice. She seems to understand that I'm scared and gives me a gentle smile. "Baby girl, I will never hurt you, I always wanted a little girl as my daughter, so I was thinking maybe you could come with me and let me be your mommy." She explained, I did not understand much due to my lack of knowledge but she seemed nice. I could tell I will get no harm from her side.

A sudden thought came to my mind when I processed what she said, will she take me with her? What about Aubrey? She'll come too, right? I looked up at her and said, "What about Aubrey?" my voice was higher this time, maybe because she was the second person I wasn't afraid of. Her brows wrinkled in confusion when she begin saying something, she was about to speak when a voice interrupted her. "Mrs. Maxwell, welcome. Come inside so we can take care of the issues regarding adoption." Ms. Miranda, the owner of the orphanage said. She was a fine old woman but she does not seem to like me much. She always gets confused between me and Aubrey, well everyone does.

The woman nodded and gave me a final glance with a smile before going in after Ms. Miranda. While I just sat there confused. What just happened? 

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