Chapter 4

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My dad had friends over this weekend and the house is a complete mess.

But I took too long in the shower so I couldn't clean it. I'll have to clean it later.

I threw all my school stuff in my backpack, grabbed my phone slipped my shoes on and ran out the door.

I ran inside the school and sat down in Math as the kids started piling in.

*last period*

Once I got to Science, Mrs. Fuller explained our partner project. Good thing I have a small Science class, only 14 people.

"Sarah and Michael G"

"Cody and Jacob"

"Tiffany and Lilly"

"Audrey and Trevor"

"Allison and Grace"

"Jackson and Xavier"

"Jason and Alexandria" Mrs. Fuller finished.

Everyone gasped as they noticed I was with Jason. I heard Jason groan and I looked down in my lap.

After the teacher finished explaining the project and how it's due Thursday she kept Jason and I behind.

"Jason, you are not having her do all the work. I will know which part you do if I find out you don't do any work you are off the football team" she said.

"What?! You can't-"

"I can. Now go help her work on the project!" she demanded.

He groaned and I walked out of the class and he strolled behind.

"Four eyes who's house?" he asked while groaning.

"Doesn't matter" I mumbled.

"Then to mine. Get in the car and try not to touch anything" he sighed.

I followed him to his car with my head down. He opened his door and slammed it shut as I got in his extremely nice car and closed the door.

I buckled up and he took off while buckling up at the same time.

"Tomorrow we will meet at yours I guess" he mumbled.

I just nodded and just stared at my lap.

When we got to his house my mouth nearly dropped.

He lives in a fucking castle. Well not actually but it looks like one.

"Stop drooling let's go" he groaned.

I followed him inside and his mom was making something on the stove. She looked like him. His dad walked downstairs and kissed his mom on the cheek and started helping her.

Jason looks exactly like his dad but has his mom's eyes, height and hair color.

"Hey mom, dad" Jason smiled.

I stood there awkwardly as I played with my phone case.

"Who's this young lady?" his mom asked.

I looked up and his mom and dad smiled at me.

"Alexandria" he mumbled.

"Hello Alexandria nice to meet you" they both smiled.

"You too" I whispered loud enough so they could hear.

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