Reed - Prom Night I

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Over the past two weeks, I've had to be super observant of Reena. She's had contractions and two visits to the hospital but the baby still isn't ready to come out as yet. I still have to be watching her more than ever because she's close, her feet have been very swollen, she's had more back pains and is always tired, even more than usual.

Tonight is the prom and even though I've been planning to go with her, right now I don't think it's the best idea and Dad agrees with me. Mon on the other hand is on Reena's side and that's a lot these last days.

"Reed, I'm fine. Stop worrying so much."

Reena is in the bathroom getting ready, my mom us helping her and even though I changed my mind about going I'm on the bed in my suit, with a small crown in my hand that I got for her. She hasn't seen it yet and I hope she likes it.

"You keep saying that but you could be dancing and the water bursts and -" I stop as the image comes rushing to my mind. It sends chills down my spine as I think of how scared and helpless I'd be in a situation like that.

Personally, I want to go with her, I do, but I don't want something to happen to her while we're there, but I guess since she says she's fine, I'll try to enjoy this with her, and not worry too much.

I hear Reena giggle at something my mom says when she steps out and waves for me to come over. "Max, oh my God. Come take a look at Reena." I can hear the emotions in my mom's voice, and Reena steps outside into the room and I almost forget to breathe.

I've never seen Reena in a long dress before and I immediately wish I could see her in it all the time. She looks so beautiful. The makeup doesn't make her look much different, only emphasizes her features like her eyes and lips. The dress is a perfect fit and her stomach makes it look even more perfect.

"Aren't you going to say something?" When I look up, she's smiling at me in a cocky way, she knows she looks good and I love it.

I stand up, "You look stunning."

"I know."

I cock a brow and she laughs. "Thank you."

She steps towards me and I remove the crown from the box to show her. The minute her eyes land on it, her smile widens and I know she loves it. I pull her closer, turn so she can see herself in the mirror and place it on her curls, her smile widens.

"This sounds so stupid, but I feel like a princess." She laughs and I kiss her, when I open my eyes I notice my mom has her phone recording us.

"Mom, little privacy."

She smiles as she rewatches the video, "You both have had enough of that, plus this is for future reference."

Reena blushes and takes a hold of my hand, "Ready."


We make our way downstairs and that's when I see my dad, also with his phone recording us.

"Dad, mom already recorded us."

"Well, I want to do one of my own." he smiles and turns his attention to Reena, "Reena, you look beautiful."

"Reed looks handsome too." She kisses me on the cheek and runs her hand through my hair.

"Well, he's my son so of course he does."

Reena laughs and Dad helps her off the last step. "Reena, I know this is not at all you were expecting. It's fair to say it wasn't what any of us were expecting but I have to admit, it's been a pleasure having you a part of this family."

I turn to see Reena with a shocked look on her face, her mouth hanging open then she wraps her arms around my dad and gives him a hug. He's stunned at first but then she hugs her back and they both stand there in a loving embrace.

"Thanks." Reena says when she's back beside me.

"Oh, it's my pleasure."

"C'mon you two, you don't want to be the last ones there." My mom is marching to the door and swings it open.

I take Reena's hand and together we move to the door. When we finally get to the car, Reena gets in first then I follow.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you." She's wiggling into the seat, trying to get comfortable.

I start the engine and start backing out the driveway. "Tell me what?"

She places her hand over mine and leans in. "How absolutely handsome you look." She kisses me and when she leans back she giggles.


"I love you, Reed Max."

"I love you too Reena Max."


Apologies for the late update, mid-semester exams start Monday. Anyways I hope you liked this chapter even though it was really short, but don't worry I'll make it up to you.


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