Reed Max - Found Her

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It is in the morning that we have our first call from the police on the whereabouts of Reena. Before that call I tried to get out the house to look for her myself but my Dad, and especially Mom would not allow me because the weather had gotten even worse. The winds had grown stronger and the snow was down harder. That entire night I was a mess. I just wanted to know she was safe and not knowing drove me crazy.

The more time passed without a word the more I felt like I was going to lose my damn mind! During the night, I tried to call her phone not even realizing that she had left it in my room.

My mom tried talking to me but everything she said went from one ear to the next. My Dad tried too, but when he noticed that I wasn't listening he instead chose to just sit beside me.

The morning my Dad received the call, I'm expecting the police to say they've found her but instead they tell my Dad that they still have a patrol car out looking for her. They explain that it's taking a lot more time to cover the area due to the inclement weather.

At that, I grab my Dad keys and walk through the door towards his car before I'm stopped by my dad. He grabs my shoulders and turns me towards him.

"Son, listen."

"No." I shrug his arms off and step back, "No Dad, you listen. You don't understand, if something were to ever..." I take a shaky breath and look down. "If anything happened to her, I would never be able to forgive myself."

He steps forward and puts a hand on my shoulder, "I know, that's why I'm coming with you."

I look up at him, wipes the tears from my eyes and nod. "Thanks Dad."

"But, we need to make sure she hasn't turned up at her Mom or Uncle."

At that I nod and walk back inside with him, and we call both relatives who say they haven't seen her. Her uncle says he has been on the road looking for my car but he hasn't located it and he's worried about her. That makes two of us because her Mom doesn't seem to care. Her uncle tells us he's told the hospital to notify him if she comes in.

God dammit! I pull at my hair and take a few minutes to collect myself.

Her mother's not even showing any sign of worry, and it gets me very upset.

"The weather isn't as bad as last night, so we should be able to find her if she's on the road."

If. That word crushes my heart and make me want to lose it.

"Max." My Dad slaps me on the shoulder and I calm a bit. "We''ll find her, okay?"

I nod and try to hold back the tears.

"Max," My mom comes up and gives me a hug that almost sends me over the edge. "She's fine."

"I know." I reply, shaking as I say it.

When the rest of the family enters the room, I take that as my cue and leave through the door. My dad behind me.

We spend the next two hours looking for her, driving in circles even asking persons if they've seen her but everyone we ask says no. I'm just about to lose it when Dad receives a call from the officers and they tell us they've found her.

When we drive over to where they are, the first thing I notice is that she's being placed on a gurney and the car is encased in snow except for the door. Panic immediately sets in and I fly from the car and race up to her. When she sees me she gives me a weak smile, and I grab her hand. "Reena." The words are but a whisper and when I exhale a deep breath, my knees go weak and my heart melts. She opens her eyes and smile and I kiss her on her forehead. With the tears out of my eyes, I finally take her in and notice a few things about her that unnerve me. Her hands are icy cold and her complexion is dull.

One of the paramedics looks to me sighs, "She fell asleep around the wheel with the heater on, but it wasn't enough. When she woke up, the car was stuck in the snow."

I take a deep breath and rub her hand, and the paramedic continues, "She's just exhausted, but she's pregnant so we're taking her in to really make sure she's okay, plus her uncle told us to."

I nod at him and turn my attention back to her, "Hey."

She smiles and takes a breath, "Sorry."

"No, no." I kiss her on her hand and sweep her hair back. "That's fine. As long as you're okay, I'm okay. Are you okay?"

She gives me a limp nod and I place a hand on her tummy. Then the guy pushes her into the ambulance and I jump into the back, and all the time while we're on the way to the hospital I hold her hand the entire time.


Yes it's very short, don't kill me! But I'll make it up to you. I promise : )

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