Reena - Lost Innocence

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Warning: Readers be advised this chapter is a sexually explicit - PG18. Read at your own discretion, although I strongly believe anyone under the age of 18 should not.

Thanks and happy reading. :)

I jolt awake to find that Reed is still beside me. I don't know how long I've been out but it feels like I took a long nap. He turns his head to look at me and I shift from beside him and rub my sweaty palms across my burning forehead. "How long was I out?" My voice is but a whisper and I clear my throat.

"About fifteen minutes." He replies and I look at him weirdly.

Fifteen minutes? That felt like hours. "I thought you would've left by now." I say as I stare up at the ceiling.

"I said I'd stay and I meant it." He looks across at me and I try not to turn my head to look at him.

"Mhmm." I say under my breath.

I don't know why but his hand finds mine and I stiffen from the sudden contact. He must notice because he gives me a warm smiles, "I'm not going to hurt you, Reena."

When I look at him, he's staring unashamedly into my eyes and I can't help but move my free hand to touch his face. It's slow at first but when my hand makes contact, he closes his eyes and exhales a slow breath I can feel on my face.

"Reed Max," I say and when his eyes open, I stare at him. "Why are you really here?" I don't know where that question came from but I know I'm damn proud of myself for having the courage to ask.

"Reena Waters." He says almost mockingly, "I'm here because you asked me to stay. If you want me to leave I will. Trust me, the last thing I'd do is hurt you."

I stare at him for a long time before I exhale a long breath and smile, "I know that Reed." And I say this because it's widely known that Reed is one of the best guys at school. That said, although I feel at ease with him and not worried at all, I still want him to be upfront.

"I know what you said but I feel like there's more to it. You can be frank with me, it won't hurt my feelings. I rather people being brutally honest than being deceitful because someone one of your teammates tries that once and I didn't appreciate it."

Reed knows who I'm talking, I don't have to say his name. Almost year ago, Riley Dane strolled up to me in the cafeteria and told me he liked me. Just like that. I was shocked to say the least, because at the time he was the guy all the popular girls had a thing for. I on the other hand just found him to be bland and ordinary.

What confused me even more though was that I wasn't his type because he always went for the outspoken and outgoing girls that had long straight hair that fell to the waist. My best feature was my dark and soft curly hair that bounced off my shoulders when it isn't in a messy bun on top of my head. I had a small breast and very big thighs. Nothing he found normally found to his taste.

At first, I blew him off a couple of times but I think that only made him want me more. So, eventually I gave him my number and he invited me out on a date. Sadly it's the only date that I have ever been on. It was not fun and I had to keep turning him down when he tried kissing me. Eventually he grew annoyed and decided to cut it short, not that it bothered me. He offered me a ride to my house but I declined and called a taxi instead.

The very next day I got to school, my name was written boldly on my locker with slut hyphenated. I didn't know what I had done to deserve that title but eventually, I found out when a girl in the bathroom told me that Riley had told everyone how he had slept with me and I was 'loose'.

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