Reed Max - Telling Mom & Dad

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Not so recent image above: Mr. and Mrs. Max.


When I get home, I see my dad at the dinner table and my mom still at the stove. She's talking to him about something that has to do with her work and dad, well he's doing what he always does, nodding and grunting here and there as his eyes run through the paper. At that moment, I wonder if this will be me and Reena if she would stay with me and make me happy.

"Dad," his eyes find mine and he drops the paper, "mom," she turns and gives me a look because already she can sense that something's off. "I need to talk to you guys."

Dad looks at mom then back at me, "Is it that serious that you need both of us?"


Mom looks back at dad, furrowing her brows. When she looks back at me her eyes narrow and she sighs, turning down the stove. "Okay." She moves across to the table and sits next to my father and stares at me, I immediately grow uncomfortable.

"Okay. Hmm," I scratch my head and stare down at the floor, my shoes, anything that isn't my parent's face.

"Is it bad or good Max?" My father asks, and my mother answers, "Well it couldn't be good, he would have told us already."

"Well, it's not exactly bad, it just depends on how you look at it."

"You're not smoking pot are you?" My dad asks, and when I look up at him, he's staring hard at me and my mom is staring at him.

"Dad, no. No drugs." And even if I were, I wouldn't tell them, they'd have to catch me red-handed first.

"Good. If it's not drugs then I don't see how this can be bad."

My mom turns to look at me, "Reed what is it, did you hit someone with the car, did you hurt someone Reed?"

"No, no. Mom, I didn't hurt anyone."

My dad shakes his head, then stops suddenly, eyes drilling into mine, "Are you gay?"

− "Dad!"

− "Lucius!"

He shrugs his shoulder and looks at my mother, "What, it's a viable question. And what if he is, he's our son. It's his life, I would only be disappointed that we wouldn't be getting any grandkids."

She stares at him open-mouthed before looking at me, "Reed, just tell us."

"Well, Dad kinda hinted at it."

"Hinted, hinted at what?" My mom looks at him to me.


Dad stands up and gives me a hard look, "Grandkids?"

My mother stares with a confused look on her face before it finally sets in, "What?"

"You're going to be grandparents."



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