Reed - Insecurities

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The time is fast approaching to both things, final exams and the birth of my daughter. Reena is officially eight months pregnant and she's glowing, even though she doesn't think so, I do. Every time I take a glance at her when she's doing something, I just can't help but be in awe. I am truly grateful for everything she's done, especially when I see her struggling to do the little things. Whenever she's trying to get up from bed or from around the table, or when she's trying to put on her clothes. It makes me smile and happy, especially whenever I help her. Sometimes though, her emotions are all mixed up and she goes off on me, but I know that's due to the fact she's just tired because she's been sleeping much less and school and studying aren't helping either.

I try to always be supportive and my parents are always there to help, especially dad. He's always giving my advice on what and what not to do and without it, I know I would be messing things up. He's told me how to treat her, how sometimes I should give her a little space to catch a breath but I should be close by so I can help her at anytime she needs me to. At a time like this, my dad says I'm here completely for her. I'm at her beck and call, and even though I'll be tired and exhausted from my tasks, I still have to put her first. 

Today is one of those days Reena is not particularly in a great mood. She's been complaining of heartburn and fatigue, and last night I woke up to the sound of her crying. She wouldn't tell me what's wrong but my gut tells me it's fear. The closer we get to her delivering, the more I've noticed a change where whenever the topic about it comes up, she completely shuts down and I can literally see the fear in her eyes, but no matter how I try she doesn't want to talk to me about it and it's a bit frustrating because I want to help, even if it's just to talk.

I've asked my mom to talk to her, advice from my dad, but Reena won't open up. She just smiles and nods all the time. Reena is a strong woman, but sometimes she's too strong, she never wants to admit or show any weakness.

So today I've decided to give it another shot, and so I'm going to take her out by the lake. I'm also going to take my mom's camera and take pictures, it;s something I've been wanting to do and I feel this is the time. 

"Reed." Reena is in the seat across from me, I;m driving to the lake but she doesn't know. "Where are we going?"

"I've told you, it's a surprise." 

she groans and looks across at me, "And no, I can't tell you so don't bother asking." 

She narrows her eyes at me before turning her attention to the bag in her hand, "This dress, I know it can't be for a restaurant because it can't even cover my belly."

I laugh, and she mocks me. "It's not funny Max."

"Stop worrying, you'll be fine."


Within fifteen minutes we arrive and when I look over at her she's staring out the window, when she looks back at me she has a small smile on her face. 

"I thought you could only go skinny dipping at nights."

A brow arches and her smile widens. "What if I wanna see you better?"

She laughs and I lean, stealing a kiss. "Get dressed." I open the door and get out, moving to the back to get the sheet, pillow, and food. I move closer to the lake, near to cherry blossom tree and begin unpacking everything. I'm just about finish when I notice her coming from the car, she's walking timidly towards me and she's covering her belly because the dress is really revealing. But man, she's beautiful. Today her hair is straight and it's down her back. I can't wait to see her walking down the isle but I want her hair to be in its naturally curly state then.

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