Acknowledgement & Bonus Features

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Hi guys, Since we're completely DONE AND DUSTED. Here are a few things,I want to say. This book is so special to me. I made my debut with it, it is not perfect but it's damn too close to my heart. I have a lot of to share what I experienced in the course of this book, so here are the some facts and exhibits.

#Fact 1:

This book was never planned, when I entered Wattpad, writing was never in my mind. It's not my league, actually but then one day, my Esv prodded me to try it and the outcome is before you guys.

#Fact 2:

Alike the protagonist in the Book, I also have an ESV, who spontaneously provides me with various plots, regardless of the certainty that I might don't want them. She would kill me whole day or whole night until I do what she wants. She makes me write books on her wish, she makes me sketch, do covers and short stories, everything. So if this book has loopholes, she is to Blame.

Exhibit 1
(In the scene where abhimanyu leaves her in the street)

Me: Um. I think I should make them argue a little and then, I would end up making them mope around.

ESV: No. Leave her in the street.

Me: Wait. What? No!

ESV: Do it. It will look more powerful. Do it, we will make everyone intrigued. Doitdoitdoit.

Me: *Typing Simultaneously* O....Kay.

After some time

Me: Phew. It's done. Now what?

ESV: What? What were you saying?

Me: I said, now what?

ESV: Am I the only one who works here? *Scowls* Use your brains.

Me: 😭

Exhibit 2
(The recent tragedy with vandana)

Me: I am wondering, should it be a baby boy or a baby girl?😰

ESV: Kill it. 😏

Me: *Horrified* What???😨

ESV: *Rolls her eyes* Kill it. It will pack more punch in the story. C'mon, doitdoitdoitdoitdoit.

Me: *Starts typing* You better have something for this, I have no clue what to do after it. 😕

After writing the scene

Me: ESV! You better tell me what to do now. I have nothing in my mind.

ESV: You never have anything in there. I am retiring from my post. It sucks to be with you, you are of no use. I am going to sleep, bye.

Me: *Confused* Hey, but what about the scene? Hey, ANSWER ME. WHAT TO WRITE NEXT? 😨😨😨

ESV: .............

Me: 😭🔫

Exhibit 3

Me: *Sipping tea and thinking about story* I don't know what to name Abhimanyu's daughter.

ESV: Ayansh.

Me: *Draws my eyebrows together* But that's a boyish name! They are going to have a daughter, right?

ESV: ...............

Me: Say something, goddammit.

ESV: I never gave my assent to that.

Me: *Panics* What? You stupid! I am done writing epilogue as well. We are not going to change that. Understand?

ESV: Abhimanyu should be contemplative while picking ayansh up.

Me: NoNoNoNo. Please!!

ESV: *Grins devilishly* doitdoitdoitdoit.

*Sobbing while writing it and also, rewriting the epilogue*

Me: 😞😭😭😭😭😭

#Fact 3:

During the course of this book, I was four times discouraged, just like that and thought to take it down. I, actually, felt that I won't be able to complete it. I rewrote it two times and then my ESV was happy.

#Fact 4:

I've so many characters in this book that are close to my heart and I might or might not give spin-offs/ Tie-ins/ Sequel. One shots are not puzzle for me anymore. #StillFiguringThatOut

#Fact 5:

This book was not dedicated to anyone because I thought that would be biased of me, as I could only dedicate one chapter to one reader and I love my all readers equally but now I am giving more place and space for all other readers. I had dedicated each chapter to one reader. #NoDedicationEverPledgeBroken

#Fact 6:

Surabhi's antics are inspired my Darling niece who came in this world exactly eight months before and I adored her too much. Esv was comprehensive on picking her up because she might have had a leaky diaper but nonetheless, I spent my days with her and observed how a baby could see things.

#Fact 7:

Some of lovely sister moments are from my personal experience and Rhea and Shreeti's friendship was the best part I enjoyed while writing, of course, except the couple.

#Fact 8:

Silent readers get on my nerves. Seriously! Is it so difficult to press the star button? Or is it that you don't know how to do that? I mean it won't cost you to make a writer's day yaar. We write because we are greedy for votes and comments and each one of them makes us happy.


Hi folks,
You guys have been an awesome audience and commenter. I loved each and every day with you guys. These 365 or so less days have been memorable and appreciable for me only because of you.

I have not dedicated chapters to anyone because I plan to do it here. I am apologizing beforehand that if I miss anyone here, please don't feel offended as you guys are HUGE. Trust me,You guys are SO MANY. Even if I were an erudite, i wouldn't be able to remember all of you.

  Will see you guys again in some spin-offs, Tie-ins, or in sequels.



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