The Love Confession

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"My heart might be bruised, but it will recover and become capable of seeing beauty of life once more. It's happened before; it will happen again, I'm sure. When someone leaves, it's because someone else is about to arrive-- I'll find love again."

Shree's Perspective

Sixth month of my marriage was almost commencing and this was the first time, I was on a date. If it could be consider as date. First time I was feeling loved, first time he was making me quiver and it was first time, I was of view that he was indeed my husband. The loving person I first met.
"Problem solved!" He winked approaching me and grinned exuberantly, I chipped. "This is the best date of my life."
"Best is yet to come!" He hushed, sliding his svelte arm around my waist kindling my bare skin, "I want to make this day memorable for you."
"Why?" I gazed deep in his orbs garlanding my arms around his neck, "Why so much today?"
"Let's dance!" He diverted it again by swirling me and pulling closer, he put his hands wrapped around my waist and his chin on my shoulder.

"Abhi..." I sang closing my eyes and he hummed, propelling me to continue "Whatever we are doing is not considered as dance. We're killing its soul." I giggled and he jerked me back then pulled me again, "That's okay because our imperfection holds perfection."
"I'm so happy. I don't want this moment to end." I mumbled resting my head on his chest and he clutched me tighter, "I won't let your happiness shrink away."
"What are you doing?" I asked as he distanced himself and knelt down on his one knee, smiling.

"Now spare me two minutes and don't intervene. Alright?" He directed and heaved a sigh, sparking himself to give me most beautiful moment of my life. I was made to understand this night would always be etched in my heart. Reposeful, I steeled myself for the consequential juncture. My breath was at one stop and his brown orbs drilled deep in mine.
"I know I've been a jerk since the beginning. Whenever you tried to mend, I destroyed it all. No matter how much I explain myself, I know, it won't rule out my actions. Neither am I seeking to. I just want to apologize. For every single time I've made you cried. Every time I've crushed your hopes; Every time you have felt vulnerable because of my own insecurities." He paused and detaining my hand into his, he cleared his throat.
"That day when you left me, I felt someone snatched something so precious from me. I can't even describe the void I was feeling. I wanted to kill my own family for letting you stay in your dad's home." His words elicited a chuckle from me, he sounded so funny.

"I know I'm sounding stupid." He joined me in, "But you know, I'm not lying. I really wanted to destroy everything when your best friend told me that she'll convince you to part ways. I was skeletonised and the fact that I don't deserve you, infused life into my fears. I was bereaved of life when I realized you might just do that. And you know the funny thing." He looked at me expectantly and I compelled him to say more.
"Amidst of all this, I realized one thing." He paused, accelerating the anticipation that was building in me with each word he uttered, "That I love you."
No...He didn't. Or, did he? Did he just say that? No... My ears are hearing things. Or perhaps he just confessed.
"I know it's kind of hard to believe since my track record is not so impressive but it's true. I really love you. I never wanted anything the way I want you. I couldn't stop thinking about you when we were apart. I know I'm a jerk but I want to be your jerk only. So...Mrs. Chauhan, will you please make me the happiest person alive on earth by accepting my love? Will you allow me to pamper you for the rest of my life? Will you give me a chance to love you? Will you accept this jerk?" He proposed and I...well...I was standing on my feet without befuddling, isn't it a big deal??
"Um...will you please be quick. My knees are hurting." He made a 'not-so-cute' puppy face and I ended up laughing.
"Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. A big yes." I hugged him tightly squealing as he hoisted me up by my waist and whirled around, "I love you."
"I never knew you could be so romantic." I hushed, once he landed me safe on the ground, "This is not a dream right? It's real?"
"It is."

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