The Proposal Surprise

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“Life is more valuable if enjoyed with the people who have value in our life.”

“Sorry.” I jerked up, straightening when I woke up and he just arched his eyebrows at me. “I don’t know when I slept.”

“Don’t worry. Even I slept and got up just a few minutes ago. You were sleeping peacefully, so I didn’t wake you up. Besides, your heavy head was good for my tensed shoulder.” He smiled, providing me ease and I smiled. 

“Volvo didn’t stop at tea stall?” 

“We didn’t cross any stall. Driver said he’d stop at the next station.”

I made a puppy face, “I am hungry.” 

He chuckled, taking his backpack from the head bin space and took out one snickers. “Right now, I only have this.”

“This would do. Thanks.” I grabbed the chocolate bar, tore the foil and bit a lion portion. It felt like rain in the desert region. I finish the bar almost forgetting how messily I was eating, that too before Mrigank but he gave me courtesy and didn’t look up. I rubbed my hands with the tissue and called up mom, informing her that I was still in middle of the journey. We chatted for a few minutes and meanwhile, the Volvo stopped at a Dhaba.

“Okay, mom. I will call you when I will reach there. Bye.” I stepped down followed by Aarti and Josh who were cribbing as always.

“I don’t know why but I am really very tired. I am going to rest all day tomorrow.” She whined, sprawling on the cot and popped her fingers one by one.

“Sure! Just feed your empty paunch and sleep like a hog.” Josh jested, making us laugh and a fuming Aarti smacked on his back.

“Rhea, will you please leave her alone for a moment?” Akshat told off as Rhea was going to sit beside me and we both eyed him, skeptically.

“What? I want to talk to you something private.” He said to me.

Rhea pressed on. “Private?”

“Yes, now please will you.” He showed her way and Rhea moved to sit on the next cot with Aarti and Mrigank, stomping her foot.


“Actually I have planned a surprise for her.” Akshat whispered, shyly. “Tomorrow, I am going to propose her.”

“Oh my god! Really?” I shrieked in disbelief, cupping my face and all the pairs of eyes landed on us. Akshat face palmed him before pulling me down. 

“Geez! I don’t want her to know.” He reminded and I grinned. “Sorry! Okay, so what’s the plan?”

He explained me everything and that was really romantic, so I couldn’t stop but ask. “You really love her so much?”

Akshat drifted his eyes to Rhea who was giggling over a joke. I could see the adoration and love in his orbs. “More than I can explain in words. She is like a magic; I love her to the moon and back. She has become very precious to me, Shree. There’s no way I can imagine a life without her.”

I was so glad that I hugged him tightly. “I am really happy but if you tried to hurt her ever, I will kill you in a very painful manner. Remember this!”

“Of course!” He kissed my forehead before hugging me back. “And, I am thankful of God that I met you.”


“Otherwise, I wouldn’t have possibly gotten to know Rhea. You are my angel.” 

“You would’ve met her even after I wasn’t there because you both were meant to be.” I denied.

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