The Pregnant Type Pregnant

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"There is no end of craving. Hence contentment alone is the best way to happiness. Therefore, acquire contentment."

Shree's Perspective

He held my hand again and the next words that came out of his mouth, made me confuse whether to cry in happiness or laugh at his innocence.
"I want to be a dad. I want to enjoy fatherhood as well. I want our baby." He said shyly, the heat made his ears slightly red, I stood on my feet surprised.
You hear that munchkin. You hear that. Your dad wants you.
As long as my memory served me, he was assorted well with the concept of 'No Kids' so far. He had made me agonized with it. Hell. Adoring a baby was out of question for him; leave alone the diapers and feeding duties. Baffled, I pinched his back of the palm to confirm if he was real or not.
"Ow!!" He winced, he was real. Very much real. He wiggled his eyebrows questionably and I smirked, "You sure won't run away when I will go in labor?"
"No..." He gleamed, "Is that mean a yes?"
"Depends if you help me with diaper duties." I teased and he caved in almost immediately, "Done. You feed the baby; I will do the diaper duty."
ESV widened her eyes 'Double shock! Check properly if he's your husband or someone else in his skin'.
"You will have to wake up in the nights." I declared and he agreed, I reckon I should try my luck on asking for something extraordinary since he was on his 'Okay Baby' Spree.
ESV suggested, 'He's smitten. You can easily sham him into laundry and dusting for the whole week.'
"Why do you wish it?" I asked, exciting to know the prodding factor which led to it and he smiled, "When I lifted Charu today. I felt something weird, something blissful. Her tiny fingers when wrapped around mine, I knew it. I just knew it that I want my baby, which belongs to me purely, solely, entirely. That becomes a souvenir of loving you madly, a token of my love."
His mini speech churned up something in my stomach, the whirl of emotions I'd never felt.
"I am so happy Abhimanyu. I love you." This was all I could say while hugging him tightly.
I couldn't express it in words what I was feeling now. This was totally inexplicable. Words seemed mere to delineate my mirth. It's just like a dream come true. To start a family with him, was always my dream but the circumstance we were landed in, never allowed it.
Time changes was, now, not a mere proverb for me. It had some meaning and I found it today. Just like I'd find my love and the pinnacle I reached today.
"So, you will give me this blessing, right?" He asked, expectantly and I began, "I lied to you when I said that I'm a little weak."
He tensed and detached our frames, holding my shoulders, his eyes created perfect frown being all alert, "What do you mean?"
"I meant, doctor said I will be sick for upcoming months, I will feel dizzy, weak and would retch, I would feel untimely craving for weird stuff and would gain lots of weight." I beat about the bush, prodding him to take a hint.
"What kind of disease is this? And exactly what kind of doctor she is?" He narrowed his eyes, "Which doctor threats their patients like this?" My smile slipped off as I heard him and he wrapped his hands around me, "Don't worry. Nothing will happen to you, I will get you treated with best doctors in Rajasthan."
"Abhi....leave me." I wriggled out of his grip, facing him, "I am completely fine, nothing has happened to me." His eyebrows inclined in confusion, "Then why did you say-"
"By that I didn't mean that I am sick." I interjected and he sighed, belligerently crossing his arms, "Then what does that mean? Wait a sec; is this some kind of allergy? Don't worry. Allergies won't be fat-"
"I am pregnant." I stated, loud and clear and he nodded, repeating "Oh, you're pregnant and I w-"
His eyes widened and his head snapped to me, "You are pregnant? I mean pregnant type pregnant?"
I contorted my face in confusion, "What? What exactly is a pregnant type pregnant?"
"No. I mean, you're having my baby. As in, you have a baby in there." He blabbered nonsense, grinning like an idiot, confusing me to the core.
ESV paced here and there, 'Is he gone mad? Did you drop the bomb early?'
I held his hand, guarded, "Abhi, are you alright? I think, you ne-" before I could complete, he temporarily blocked my vocals when he kissed me hungrily, not giving a chance to even hold my breath.
His hands reached up to my arms to the base of my neck and held on to his shoulders, tightly, as he pulled me in, domineering and deepening the kiss. His hand untied my hair from the pins and ran a rough hand through them before gripping them, making me force to lift my face up.
Shortly, he pulled back and rested his head against mine. I smiled, closing my eyes, resting my hands on his chest.
"You are pregnant." He said, breathlessly and I nodded, hugging him, "I am so happy."
"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked, caressing my hair and I replied, "How can I tell you prior when I got to know today itself?"
He laughed, kissing my hair, "No. I meant, why did you lie? Were you thinking that I..." He trailed off, his voice somber and I rolled my eyes, "No. I thought to surprise you, but since you yourself asked me, so I thought, this would be the best moment to confess."
"I love you." He confessed, hoisting me up and I rested my head against his heart, "I love you too."
"Can I get you pregnant again in your pregnancy?" His question left me in wonder and I widened my eyes at him as he sprinted to our bedroom, "Really? Is that possible?"
He halted in his steps and gawked at me, I rolled my eyes as I realized that he was jesting and he smirked, "Well, why don't we try and see if that's a possibility?"

"Congratulations Bhabhi!" Paridhi chirped on the other side and I giggled, as I heard mom taking cell phone from her, "Hello, Shree?"
"Yes mom!"
"Congratulations." She wished and I bit my lip, blushing as she begun, "Now, make a mental note; don't uplift weight, say no to junk food, don't take stress...." With that she went on feeding me the dos and don'ts. I sincerely noted whatever she told me and then we little converse about our health. She did propound me to spend my first trimester in Jaipur but I refused politely.
It's been a week and everyone was aware of my pregnancy. Though I was being snubbed by mom (my mom) because she thought it's not good to inform everyone about it in first trimester, according to some mythological hypothesis. Nonetheless, she did some empiricism to prevent scourge.
"Bye mom!" I cut the call and crawled near Abhimanyu, placing my head on his shoulder, "Abhi...."
"Hmm...." He replied, incoherently, fixing his eyes at the laptop's screen. I stayed quiet, fiddling with his shirt's button and he noticed my dilemma, so he quickly shut off the laptop and pulled me on his lap, "What happened?"
Nervous, I licked my dry lip; he was still very touchy over the subject, so I couldn't contemplate whether to broach it up or not.
"I know something is bothering you. C'mon, fess up." He actuated.
"Let's go to Jaipur." I suggested, measuring my words and he kissed my forehead, "I'll book your tickets. Go and spend some days with your mom but don't try to prolong your stay, alright!"
"No." I objected, "I meant our Home. Let's shift back to Jaipur, abh-"
"No." He snapped, opening his laptop. I frowned immediately, "Why not? It's been two years, how long do you plan to stay angry?"
"I am not angry, Shree. It's just I can't go back. I have business here." He reasoned and I pursed my lips, annoyingly, "Fine. Then take leave for few days and come with me."
"Why not?"
"I don't want to stay somewhere where you get no respect." He retorted and I kissed his cheek, "Abhimanyu, whatever happened at that time was unfortunate. Badi ma was angry because she'd just lost her grandchild and even if it was not my fault but she connected it to me because she was hurt. Forget it now. She has apologized to me, to you, how embarrassing was that! Everyone is sad, mom dad, Bade papa, Anshu dada, even you're suffering, I know, you long to see your family, why don't you move on and start from the beginning?"
"No." He replied curtly, "You are my family and now since my daughter is coming, she will be all I need."

I groaned, "Two things: first, this is going to be a boy. Second, you have a bigger family than this. I don't want my kid to be deprived of his grandparents' love."
He quipped his eyes at me, "She won't be deprived of anything. We shall visit Jaipur often. We do that even now. I won't make my daughter deprives of anyone's love who should be a part of her life."
"Yes, you go there but never spend night; neither do you let me spend. How bad mom will feel if she will know that I am in Jaipur but I am not allowed in Chauhan House." And that'd the actual reason I had to refuse my mom that I couldn't come Jaipur. I chewed up the remaining sentence in order to not hurt him.
We went to Jaipur on occasions and on festivals sometimes but Abhimanyu never stayed the night there, he would not say no to me but he comes back immediately after the event and in situations, like this, I would unwontedly follow him back because I couldn't let him be when all this happened because of me.
Badi ma apologized to me, to him, and I felt like earth would break apart and engulf me, I never held any grudges for her, that was a reaction anyone could give. Though that hurt but it was nothing before the pain Abhimanyu chose to bear.
All in all, dad would force him but when they, miraculously, understood his point, he didn't force him to stay rather mom n dad would visit us often. Paridhi and Vandisha would spend their holidays here and Aditya would compel dada and bhabhi to visit us in the course of fifteen days.
I still wanted to fix everything, it's not like Abhimanyu avoids Badi ma, no. He didn't. He respected her same as before but he would politely refuse to her when she would ask to shift back.
Just like now, as he excused me his business.
"Say something!" I pressed, clinging to him.
"No." I wanted to smack his head when he didn't buzz off. I skid down from his lap, sitting on other side.
"That's too stupid Abhimanyu." I stated and he repeated, "No!"
"Fine, get me-"
"At least hear what I-"
That's it!!
"MR.ABHIMANYU CHAUHAN. GET ME A PANCAKE NOW." I yelled, not giving him a chance to interject me and he ran onto his feet to get my wish done.

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