35 - The Calm Before The Storm

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Guys were getting close to the end! I don't know whether I'm excited or sad lol :) Above is Ray looking all smexy and troublesome~

Danny panted, her chest heaving and her eyes squeezing shut as Ray moved. He was deep inside her now and even though this was their what, fourth or fifth time today? -she couldn't deny the pleasure coursing through her or the excitement Ray fueled simply by looking her in her eyes.

Whimpering, she gripped onto Ray's shoulders and fell into him, moaning loudly as he lifted her thighs for leverage and thrusted upwards just as she bounced down. She cried out for a second time and Ray seemed to respond, his speed slowing as he pulled her closer and hit a spot deep inside her that nearly made her tear up. 


"Ha....you always call out the wrong fucking name."

Completely disregarding his slow and deep movements, Ray grabbed Danny roughly by her thighs and flipped their position in the constricted space. In a moments time his lips were pressed roughly against hers and he forced her thighs apart, moving at a speed that had Danny's head fuzzing and her heart palpating. Every noise she made Ray swallowed, every scratch she drug down his back Ray took pleasure in, every arch of her back Ray traced the curve of, every single inch of her Ray devoured.

Before she even realized what was happening she felt like she was flying and Ray was groaning into the crook of her neck as his body went taught.  Danny moaned, her breath coming out in mostly a pant, as her body sank back and fell limp against the seat.

"Shit," she panted, her chest still heaving as she practically clung to Ray; Ray who was peppering kisses across her collar bone as he hummed softly. A sweet, manly sound that brought her heart warmth. He'd been like this all day. 

Incredibly sweet, intoxicatingly sexy, and completely insatiable. 

"I can't believe we just did that."

"Had sex in a car?"

"Had sex for the fifth time today, in a car, in a mall parking lot. That. I can't believe we just did that."

"Would this be a bad time to mention I stole the car?"


Chuckling, Ray finally pulled out of her only to sit up on his knees and shimmy his way back into his jeans, tying the now soiled condom up to dispose of which Danny wasn't going to question where because -ew. 

Pulling her own clothes back on, she looked up and met Ray's eyes across their tight space and she couldn't fathom what exactly it was she was looking at. Like all his other new traits, something else Ray had been doing all day was giving her this look- this look that she had yet to decipher. It was filled with happiness and just like every other time he looked at her she could see the love, but there was something else there. Something like a sad secret that only he knew and wasn't yet willing to share. She knew it was troubling him, it had been ever since he came home drunk and crying, but how could she confront such pain in his eyes when there was also such a special love? 

You couldn't confront one without ruining the other.

A knocking against the window startled Danny out of her thoughts and she shrieked. Spinning around, she was expecting the worst -like some super angry soccer mom who had somehow seen them or something-but instead she came face to face with Gage and, to her absolute delight and horror, Aubree.

"Aubree?" Danny asked, shoving Ray away from her and stumbling out of the car. Her best friend looked gorgeous in a pair of leather pants with knee high boots and creme long-sleeved t-shirt under a fur vest. As usual, she was a sight for sore eyes and the confident scowl she wore made her even more fierce. "Aubree what are you doing here?"

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