17 - Meeting the Parents

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Hey guys! How's everyone doing??? I hope you guys enjoyed the last chapter, it was especially mushy lol. So as you know I asked a couple chapters back if I should change the title. Update: it's gonna stay the same. Thanks for the people who commented or gave suggestions it just seemed like more people liked the original title and it's growing on me now too to be honest. So! Enjoy this chapter of Beauty & Her Beast!

P.S. thanks for dealing with all my grammar mistakes. If I haven't mentioned it before I write all of these chapters on my phone around 2am so, my editing skills are shit =)

Gage in the picture :)

-few weeks later-

Ray groaned, glancing at himself in the mirror and frowning softly. Today was a day Ray had both been anxious for and dreaded for the past week. A day he never in a million years thought he would ever have to live through in his life.

Today Ray was meeting Danny's parents.

It was her parents 22nd anniversary and to celebrate they were having a get together at their house. The backyard would be turned into a romantic outdoor setting with food, lights, candles, and whatever other sappy shit they did in all the romance movies Ray never bothered to watch. Not only would Danny's parents be there but so would other members of her family. Uncles, cousins, nephews, nieces, friends-


Ray shrugged out of the cardigan he wore and dropped it to the floor, shaking the chill off his shoulders.

"I think I'm gonna be sick."

For the past hour Ray had been trying to find something to wear that didn't scream 'delinquent' and he'd been failing tremendously. All of his clothing was just throw on and go clothing and any decent things he did have was for clubbing or something of that sort, not a meeting the parents evening. He did have one button up but he doubted the bullet wholes would be very attractive.

For the life of him Ray didn't get why he had to go through with this shit anyway. Why did it matter what Danny's parents thought of him? He didn't care to stroke her father's ego and her mother wasn't the one who's pants he wanted inside so what the hell.

"Rowan!" Ray screamed, kicking a pair of ripped jeans from his legs and stripping down to nothing but his boxers. He had to hurry up and get ready and the fact that he had virtually nothing was pissing him off. He had an hour before the party started and Danny lived a good thirty minutes away by car.

And that was without traffic.

This shit was pointless and cliche to him yeah, but for Danny it was important so he would do his damnedest not to be late.

The door to his room opened and Ray glanced through the reflection of his mirror only to glare.

"I said Rowan."

Joy smiled softly and crossed her arms across her chest, leaning against the door frame with a haughtiness that belonged to someone of high status. She acted like she owned the place and as annoying as that was now, her confidence had always been something Ray admired.

"Rowan's busy at the moment. Did you need something?"

"Yes," Ray said curtly, "you out of my house."

The hurt in Joy's face was obvious as her confidence seemed to crumble beneath her and her heart shrank. Ray being cold wasn't a new thing between them and after all these years joy had grown used to it by now.

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