20 - Ya Dig?

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It was around one in the morning when Ray finally stumbled inside his home. Rico had done well sticking his up but he was high off pain killers and crashing with exhaustion from his adrenaline rush earlier all at the same time.

Ray's body was sore and numb and his mind was buzzing. He smelled of smoke and alcohol, his hair was a mess, and the cuts and bruises all over his face and body didn't do much to help the situation. Ray was exhausted and wanted nothing more than to sleep but, as he kicked his shoes off and tore the soiled shirt from his skin, he figured that wouldn't be the case when he realized his sister was waiting up for him.

Rowan was on the couch in one of his t-shirts and a pair of sweat shorts. Her hair was pulled up into a messy bun and she wasn't doing anything more than watching TV. For just a moment, Ray forgot who she really was and thought she looked fairly normal.

"You look like someone dragged you under a bus."

With his muscles creaking like the old wood in a rusty attic, Ray fell into the couch next to Rowan and the woman couldn't help but pay him more attention when she realized just how extensive his wounds were. They were nothing permanent or life threatening, but the bandaged on his shoulder were case for some concern and Rowan paused the movie she was watching.

"Christ Ray did you get shot tonight?"

"Gage got himself into a situation at the casino again and yeah, things got a little heated. I'm fine though," Ray yawned, wincing a little as Rowan messed with his bandages.

"Good luck explaining that to your girl, you know she's here?"

"What?" All it took was a minute-no seconds- and everything Ray had gone through today was forgotten. Like starting a timer for an important exam, that was all the information needed for Ray to completely loose himself in thoughts of the girl who he was rapidly falling in love with. It gave him tike to not only remember how beautiful she was and how terrible he felt for running out on her, but also how stupid she was for coming to this part of town all on her own.

But how could she know just how unsafe it was when Ray never told her?

"Came over soon ass your ass went running with the wind. Ray what the hell is going on with you and her? I ain't never seen you so serious bout nobody. Does she even know who you are? Because she sure as hell seemed clueless when I asked."

"What do you mean 'when you asked?' What the fück did you tell her Row?!" Ray growled, his voice tense and angered but still low.

If you asked anyone else Ray was a man who not only didn't care about what he did or didn't do, but he didn't care who knew. For some reason though the thought of Danny knowing was terrifying. For the first tike he was worried of someone not accepting him. Or even worse, trying to change him.

The deeper he got into this relationship the stronger his feelings got and that was scary too. If Danny did ever find out things could go one of two ways.

She'd hate and fear him, or she'd look down on him and change him.

And he didn't know if he was ready for either scenario.

"Relax Ray I didn't tell her nothing when I realized how clueless she was. Figured there's a reason you kept your life on the low. She knows about me though, and mom and dad and everything."

"Fück Rowan," Ray grumbled, fighting the urge to punch his sister.

Putting on his game face, he tried to sober up some from his medication and pretend the pain was gone. He stood up from the couch and made his way upstairs to his bedroom. Ray pushed the door open and the sight that greeted him made him bite his knuckles.

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