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I woke up on a couch. Wrapped in a blanket.. and in someone's embrace...
I'm feeling so warm. Not only the physical warmth on the outside.. but also the one inside me. And I'm positive that's beacuse of a certain perverted doll.. or rather because of the fact that she fell asleep while hugging me. I didn't even catch the moment when I fell asleep. I guess she didn't mind. That.. dork.
Why can't I even recall the moment when I started falling for her? Well.. does it matter? If so.. not to me. I know the facts and I've made my peace with them. And that's what matters. Well. The difficult part is going to be actually doing something with that fact.. time will tell. Won't it?
It's so early and I'm so comfy.. I might as well go back to sleep.. still hugged by Chara... did I even wake up in the first place?
But before that... I may as well do something I wanted to do for a long time.. it's just I've no courage to do things like that when she's awake..
A quick little peck on her lips.. and I'm off to meet Morpheus.

..well that was a nice night. And the sleeping beauty is still... sleeping. Well time's for breakfast. But I can't force myself to wake her up. Maybe the smell will? It was a good idea to stock up on some ingredients. Especially since I found some motivation to cook.
Now. What to cook? Pancakes again? Nah.. Definitely something sweet though.. Okay. I've got an idea. Who doesn't like waffles? Everyone does. Now.. how on earth did you cook waffles...
   Okay. That seems to have done it. And it did actually manage to wake up the sleeping beauty.

-Guess who's finally woken up.
-Yeah... good morning Chara.. finally?
-Do you know what's the time? Take a wild stab.
-2 p.m.
-Nope. It's 3.30. You love sleeping even more than I do.
-Hey, don't blame me. I've only got bruises and such all over me. And fragments of someone's blade in me.
-You're in a rather nice state for someone in such a poor condition Y'know.
-Is that a bad thing?
-Not at all.
-By the way... what's that smell?
-Waffles with maple syrup. A hot, steaming pile is waiting for you. Dig in before they get cold.
-You cooked again?
-Well they didn't appear out of nowhere.
-...I guess..
-Yup. Enough talking. It's time to eat.
-With pleasure.

She's a big child if you'd ask me. A cute one as well. She doesn't even suspect that I might know something that will make her turn red in an instant. But.. let's wait until she's done with her food before dropping the bomb.

-How do you like 'em?
-...you have absolutely cracked the vault. It's amazing.
-Glad you like them. Now, chap. Is there something you'd like to tell me?
-Um. Thanks for cooking such an amazing breakfast/dinner?
-That's nice but I'm talking about something else.
-..particularly about what?
-Use your wit. What can I be talking about?
-Haven't you stolen anything? When you thought I was sleeping?
-Nooo.. you aren't talking about what I think you are, are you?
Guess who's bluushiiing
-Y'know two notes for future attempts. First of all make sure that I'm actually sleeping. Secondly... if you wanted a kiss you could have just asked. You lil rascal.
-. . .
-I can feel the heat of your blush right here. And we're a foot apart.
-. . .
-You gunna say something or not?
-. . .
-Oy. Why did you stand up? And where the heck are you going?
-. . .
-Okay. Stop right where you're standing. Where do you think you're going? And why aren't you saying anything?
-. . .
-Speak to m..
-I'm sorry..
-Well, that was unexpected... What are you sorry for?
-Everything.. for what I had done before this last reset has happened.. for being a nuisance... And for being a coward. I don't even have the courage to say what I'd like to say right now..
-Don't be sorry. Besides I know what you wanna say. Don't worry...
The feeling is mutual.
-You heard me.
-You mean it?
-Even thou...
-You talk when you needn't.

This time.. I'm the one stealing a kiss. And this time I'm going to savor the moment.
I've no idea whether what I'm doing is right. I don't care. For once in my life I will listen to my heart instead of my wit.. my heart lost for this cute little rascal...
For my little rascal.

First and foremost. I found some spare time to finish this. Finally.Secondly It's the literal first time I'm writing something like that so pardon the "suckyness"
Have a good day y'all.

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