A perfectly normal day

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....Asriel's staying with mum for the next few days. That's at the same time quite handy and disturbing. Handy because that means I don't have to simultaneously look after both him and a certain cripple. Disturbing because that certain cripple makes me feel funny whenever we're in the same room. And I just can't help it. Gee I hope she won't question me about what I said. I don't feel like getting interrogated. Especially not getting interrogated by her. This time I would be the one blushing.
..well I guess it's about time to go home. I'll get some takeaway at Grillby's and get ready to face that maroon-eyed.. doll.

-Sup Grillbz.
-Good evening Chara. The regular?
-Nope. Two burgers. Takeaway, please.
-...you've gone cold turkey or what?
-..uh It's just that someone's staying at my place..
-Your +1?
-You sure?
-Yes I'm sure! Why wouldn't I be?
-Cuz your cheeks are more red than your eyes.
Well.. shite.
-She's not my girlfriend!
-Soooo you're into THAT kind of things. Surprising.  I didn't know you prefer girls.
-....Grillbz.. why are you doing this..
-Haha chill out Chara. It's nice to make fun of someone from time to time. Or as you'd say it take the piss at someone.
-You're literally made of fire, don't tell me to chill out!
-I've never seen you in such a state. That means something, pal. I'll go get your order.

Okay. Looks like I'm royally screwed. And I've never blushed before! Ever! That girl.. She's changing every damned thing.

-Okay, here you go. I added some chocolate cookies. I still consider you a chocolate junkie.
-Thanks a million, chap. See ya.

That damned fire elemental. What was he even thinking... okay I do get what but why?  Gosh darn it. Ugh. It's time to go home..
Shortcuts are easily the most practical ability in the whole underground. Plus they annoy the living crap out of others. That's a pro. And a big one.

-Mate! I'm home!
-Gee... Chara.. no need to be yelling.
-I forgot you're kinda... immobilized. My bad.
-...yeah. I am. And I hate it.
-You're gunna stay that way for a while chap. Can't do anything about, can we?
-..I suppose we can't..
-..oi, chin up dollface. You're gonna recover sooner than you think.
-What did you call me?
There goes my big mouth again. And she DID hear exactly what I said. She's blushing.
-......um. I got us something to munch on. Wanna one?
-Great. Grillbz was so nice as to give us some chocolate biscuits as well.
-Even better!
-Okay. Everything should still be warm. Just gimme a sec. Cutlery's a nice addition to evert meal.
-I suppose.. You don't mind us eating on the sofa?
-Nah. I mean.. that's where I usually eat.. if I eat at home. Gotta admit, nine out of ten times I dine at Grillby's.
-Why's that?
-Have you ever seen Rei's cuisine? That's somewhere between inedible, poisonous and radioactive. 
-Then why don't you cook yourself? You can, can't you?
-Yeah, I could. I'm rather okay at that. I'm just too lazy. Most of the time. 
-Well.. you haven't been acting too lazy recently y'know.
-Oh. Haven't noticed. Maybe it's just you.
-Or maybe you've changed..
-Nah. I don't really think so. Besides. You've gotta admit. You don't know me well enough long enough to tell whether I've changed or if I have not.
-I suppose that's true..
-Maybe. Well screw that. Dig in before it gets cold. 

 Have I changed? Nah. I don't think so. I mean.. I have been a tad more.. lively lately. And kinda motivated to do.. stuff. But I guess that's only because I know that it most likely won't go to waste. Unlike the previous times. But it's not that much of a change now. Is it?

-My bones feel.. itchy.
-Yer shittin' me, mate.
-..woah. Okay then. Finish your food. It's too scrummy to go to waste. And after that I suppose I'll be forced to inspect your wounds. 
-No "buts". Bones itch when they start getting back together. And it doesn't happen that quickly. So either you're a special little snowflake or that means trouble. 
-Pleasure working with you, partner. 

-Done? Great. Lemme put the dishes where they belong and I'll be back in a sec.
-You know.. I don't really like where this is going. 
-Gee. Just chill out. Besides they gunna enjoy it.
-Yeah, nevermind. Now, show me where it itches.
-Arm, ribs and the skin around them. 
-So basically where you were hurt... I hope it's not because I had cocked something up..
-...and had you? 
-...hopefully not. You'd lose the plot if I did. 
-I would. And you'd never hear the end of it. 
-..yeah. Well. Roll up your sleeve. 
...Okay. The fact that the skin's only irritated and red and with no bubbles or blisters.. or anything is quite. Impressive. And your arm.. Tell me, can you move it?
-A bit.. Not too much. I can't lift it higher than my shoulders but.. It's not completely immobilised. 
-That should not be possible. Okay, lemme take a look at the bones. It may be somewhat unpleasant.
Okay. I think I know why it itches. And I'm freaking staggered. Your bones have started healing already.. I mean, I've seen you come back from the dead but still, that's impressive. 
-...about that "comming back from the dead"..
-What's with it
-I don't feel like I'd be able to reset this time.
-...why so?
-It never felt like it was MINE ability.. It felt like it was THEIR ability...
-..one more reason to be careful. We wouldn't want you to end up six feet under, would we?
Okay, I'm done with your arm... Now I've gotta check your ribs.
-...do you have to..?
-Aye. Just roll up your shirt and let's get this over with. By the way. You're already blushing.
-I'm not! Shut up...
-Yeah, yeah. Sure. 
..shite. I hope I won't blush..
-...just finish this already and let's all forget about this inspection.
-Yeah, yeah. Roll it up already. 
Oh. I ain't forgettin anything, eye candy. Crap. Again..
...I was staggered before. But now I'm fucking gobsmacked. Your ribs are ALSO doing great job at healing. That's impressive. And mildly disturbing. Gristles and cartilages always take a lot of time to heal. You're a quite..  peculiar individual. Okay. It's all hunky dory. My head's safe. 
By the way. Nice bra.
-Shut up you pervert!
-It's amusing how easy it is to make you blow your top. And blush. 
-...shut uuupp..
-Make me.
-One day.. I will. But not today. 
-Lil' Frisk's trying to act tough. Well, I'll be looking forward to that day.
-..stop teasing me.
-Nah. You're too cute not to.
-...Y'know I'll just call that a day. If you need anything, just yell. Night!
-Hey wha.. okay taking a shortcut into your room is just too much! 

I'm getting pissed at myself. Why does my tongue always get loose while taking with or about her.. The pot's getting near.. and I'm boned...

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