Chapter: 4

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Jessica's P.O.V.

I woke up. Silence. No screaming. No shaking. No jumping on my bed. Silence in the whole house. I checked my phone. It was 11 AM. How did I wake up so early? I went into bathroom. brushed my teeth, my hair, washed my face and put on the outfit bellow.

 brushed my teeth, my hair, washed my face and put on the outfit bellow

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I went downstairs into the kitchen and opened the fridge. Too quiet. Bad sign. I took out a carton of milk when someone yelled into my ear scaring me to death. I screamed and dropped the carton and it spread all over the floor. I turned around and it was Liam. "You idiot!" I yelled at him. He was laughing his butt off. I took the carton of milk and threw it at him. "Meanie" He fake pouted. "Okay now clean up this mess" I said calmly. "I didn't drop it" He said. "You made me drop it" I said smiling. "You don't understand Jessica. I'm teaching you how to be immune to being scared. I'm letting you get used to it. Therefore I'm a good educational brother" He said pretending to be wise. "Oh really?" I said sarcastically. "Uh huh" He said biting an apple and leaving me to clean up this mess. I sighed and shook my head at him.

I ate some cereal and decided to wake up the others.

First I entered Scott's room. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps. I'm going to ruin this. "SCOTT" I screamed in his ear. He groaned and rolled to the other side. "Wake up. I want to get Starbucks" I said innocently. "I'm good" He mumbled not even looking at me. "Please?" I said and leaned onto him. "I said I'm good" He said with is morning voice as he stood up, gently picked me up and transferred me to the other side of the door. "Have a nice day" He said still half asleep and shut the door. "That was still rude" I added.

I walked into my room and checked my phone. I got a message from Logan, My best friend's crush.

L is Logan and J is Jessica.

L: Jess are you woken up yet?

J: Yea what's up

L: Can I ask you something like a friend?

J: Of course

L: Listen I know that Jade likes me. I like her too. Where should I take her on the date? maybe


L: I'm serious

J: Movies

L: Thank you

I sent a screenshot to Jade. I mean who wouldn't do it if she was your best friend. She was very excited.

I got a message from Jade. OMG what if Carter will invite you and We will have a double date! If you are wondering Carter is my crush since... a long time ago.

I went downstairs and saw that Matt was already woken up. Only Scott is asleep. Boys were watching TV and I sat next to them on the couch. "What are you watching?" I asked. "Football match" Liam said not even looking at me. Matt was on his phone texting someone. "Who are you texting?" I asked getting close to his phone. "No one" He said pushing my face away. I escaped from his face grip and tried to see who he was texting. "Jessica I swear if you don't stop looking I'll-" He said but I interrupted him "You'll what"

"1..." Oh no he's counting.

"2..." Should I just give up?

"3..." He lunged at me as I screamed but gladly Liam held him back. My savior. Now all Matt could do was glare at me. And he did. I just sank into the couch. If looks could kill...

I heard someone coming down. It was Scott with messy hair and only in his boxers and a shirt. "Look a sleeping beauty woke up" Liam said and I laughed. "Shush" Scott said lied on the couch on us. His head was on my lap and legs were on Liam. I think he fell asleep again.

"I'm not feeling well" He moaned. "Poor Scotty. I think you are ill" I said putting hand on his forehead. "Go upstairs and stay in bed. I will take care of you" I said very devotedly. "Thank you" He said as he stood up and kissed my cheek. He dragged himself upstairs to his bedroom. I can be very caring sometimes. Especially to my brothers.

I called mom. She told me what to do and which medicine to give him. I went upstairs with a cup of tea and medicines in my hands. I entered his room. "Here. Drink this and drink tea little by little okay?" I told him. "Thanks" He said and sent me an air kiss. So did I and left his room.

I walked downstairs and saw Matt and Liam reading something on my phone. "What are you doing! How did you even unlock it. It has a password." I screamed. "Who's Carter?" They said in sync. "I asked first!" I said and grabbed my phone. "Well It's easy cause your password is either Shawnyboo or Zachyboo " Matt said.

Ugh I should've never mentioned that Zach Herron is my mental husband.

"And I wanted to check my instagram because my phone is dead" Matt said. "Now you. Who's Carter" Liam said strictly. "Carter Reynolds?" I asked playing dumb. "Jessica" They both said. "Does that matter?" I asked. "If he's your boyfriend, yes" Liam said. "He's not!" I screamed in his face pointing my finger. "Oh my god is he your crush?" Matt said in his girly voice. "Maybe?" I pouted.

"I don't want to see you talking to that guy" Liam said. "Shut up" I yelled. "You shut up" Matt yelled back. I started hitting him with a pillow. "Don't touch my side b^tch" Liam said in a girly voice and started hitting me with another pillow. So did Matt.

After we calmed down Liam broke the silence. "But seriously. You don't need a relationship now. you are only 14" He said. "15 in a month!" I cut him off. "Anyway. You are too young. Guys at your age are..."Liam couldn't finish the sentence. "Stupid" Matt saved his butt. Cute. "That's weird. Neither of you are 14 or 15" I said. They both punched me my arm. "Ouch" I said. "Did you understand what we told you?" Matt asked. "Yes and don't worry it's just a crush" I said. It's okay. We will have secret love.

*hope you like it*

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