Under the Oak Tree. BoyxBoy

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As you can see from the title, it is Boyxboy!

If you do not like this type of style, I suggest leaving it may or may not get graphical.

You have been warned.

Chapter 1

Felix's POV

I was woken on Tuesday morning by birds singing, it was quite peaceful. Mum knocked lightly on the door.

"Come in"

"Are you decent?" She asked.

"Yes mother, I'm still in bed."

The door opened creaking extremely loud, probably waking up my little sister Charlotte. I really need to fix that door.

"Be ready to leave in 20 minutes, it's Charlotte's first day of 4 year old kinder." Mum said with a smile on her face.

She's always so peaceful.

She left the room probably going to wake up Charlotte. Once she closed the door I jumped out of bed and ran to my dresser. I grabbed my favourite Avenged Sevenfold tee and a pair of washed out black skinny jeans. Once I threw them over my shoulder I ran to the bathroom. I knocked on the door hoping no one was in there. After knocking 3 times and getting no answer I figured it was safe to go in.

I turned the hot knob in the shower and while waiting for it to heat up a bit, I got undressed and started turning on the cold water to adjust it to the right temperature. I tested it with my hand just to make sure it was right. Excellent, just right.

I jumped in and almost screamed. My hand lied! It was really cold! I adjusted it back to warm again, well at least I thought I did... Too much hot water! Once again, I had fixed it. Third times the charm right? Ah, now that's what I'm talking 'bout.

After spending 10 minutes in the shower I turned it off and got out. I turned on my iPod and placed it on the dock next to the sink. Yes, we have an iPod dock next to the sink.. Anyway, I turned on my metal playlist and turned it up all the way. Aw yeah, Eifersucht - Rammstien.

Okay so I'm dressed, my flippy black hair looks fluffy as hell, and I'm ready to go. One thing, I haven't have breakfast yet!

I dashed downstairs, grabbed the bread and butter, sloppily spread the butter on the bread and scoffed it down. While eating I noticed dad wasn't around, he must have already left for work.

Charlotte skipped down the hall to the kitchen, she had beautiful Grey-blue eyes and her long brown hair made them pop even more. I swear that girl is on a permanent sugar high. She stopped skipping as soon as she saw me and ran up to give me a big hug.

"Felix, you look pretty" She said in that chirpy little voice of hers.

"Charlotte, you don't call boys pretty, you call them handsome or cute."

"Well then you look handsome." She put on a big goofy smile.

I rolled my eyes at her and made her a Nutella sandwich for kinder. "You excited for your first day?" I asked

She started jumping up and down. "Sure am, are you coming with mum and I to see me off?"

"I'm sorry, I can't, I have to meet up with someone this morning."

"Awwww, no fair. No fair!" She whined.

"I promise I will see you off tomorrow. Now grab your lunch box and put your sandwich in it, Mum will want to take off in a minute" I handed her the sandwich and went to grab my bag from my room.

"Felix! I'm leaving now, you're walking yes?" Mum yelled from down stairs.

"Yes mum, hang on a sec so I can say bye to Charlotte, or she'll be grumpy all day, you know what she's like." I answered walking down the stairs two at a time.

Charlotte skipped up to me with a half sad half happy face.

"Are you sure you can't come?" She asked with that little puppy face that's hard to resist.

"No I can't, I told you I'll come tomorrow."

"Fine, I'll see you later then" She hugged me and ran out the door to the car, I kissed mum on the cheek and started walking to school.

I met Valerie at the park we always meet at when we walk together. She liked to dye her hair a lot. This month it was bright red, like a firetruck.

Her big brown eyes were hard to miss because they were always lined in thick black eyeliner. It makes me wonder if my green eyes would pop like that if I lined mine. I already looked emo enough with my black emo styled hair, band tee's and skinny jeans.

"FELIX!" She yelled and ran towards me.

"Hello Valerie, nice purple skinny jeans." I complimented while eying her pants, she always wore bright pants.

"Why thank you good Sir."

"You are very welcome Ma'am, shall we walk?" I asked putting my arm out so she could put hers around mine.

Valerie and I have been best friends since we were tiny and oddly enough, we have been in most of the same classes since primary school.

"Lettuce leaf." She agreed grabbing my arm.

It usually takes us about 10 minutes to get to the school, by now I'm guessing it would be about 8:30am. I checked my phone to see the time, hmpf I was right.

Once in the school gates Valerie ran off to meet up with one of her friends, Alexandria I think it is? Meh I don't know. As she left my side I slowly walked off to my quite place. The big Oak tree. The thing has been there since before the school was even thought of. I sit there everyday, in the morning, at recess and at lunch. Sometimes Valerie joins me, usually I'm on my own though. I don't complain about it because I can sit there, listen to my iPod and either read or make up stories as to what everyone around me are doing.

I watched Valerie jumping up and down like a lunatic with Alexandria, She likes to call her Xandy, odd nickname, but it's unique, so I like it. They were joined by another boy, he really caught my eye, I don't understand why, I'm as straight as a pole, guys don't do that to me. But this one boy, he kinda stood out to me like he had a glow around him or something. He gave Alexandria a big hug and waved sweetly to Valerie. He turned his head as if he was looking for something and he met my gaze. I turned away quickly so it didn't seem like I was watching him the whole time, I mean I was but still. I glanced at him from the corner of my eye, he had turned away so I looked back and continued to watch him. He was watching the ground and kicking the ground like he didn't want to be there. He looked up right as the bell went and walked off with Alexandria. I ran up to Valerie as she stood waiting for me.

We were in Photography class when I started to question her.

"So uh, Val, who was the guy you two were with this morning?"

She looked up and smiled. "Hm? Oh we were with Kaiden, he's new here, he and Xandy have been friends for a long while."

"I see." I replied looking away to focus on what I was doing.

"What's wrong Felix?" She tried to get my attention by poking her head around in front of mine.

"Huh? Nothing why?"

"You seem down about something?"

"Nope, perfectly fine" I sat up straight smiling widely.

We were talking about random things for about half an hour while trying to plan what our next theme would be for an assignment we had to do. The assignments are usually photo shoots so I get Val to be my model every time. I started to pack up noticing the bell was about to go and just as I'd finished it went.

"Felix, I'm going to find Xandy an Kaiden and we'll meet you at the tree, cya soon." She said while waling away slowly.

"Mkay then."

I left for the tree and sat under the shady bit right under the hole in the tree. That was my spot, if anyone took it I'd usually jump on them. Just as I was about to put my earphones in, I spotted Val Alexandria and Kaiden. Val waved like a nincompoop to get my attention, I sat up properly and waved back.

Under the Oak Tree. BoyxBoyWhere stories live. Discover now