Chapter 20 - Andrew

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"I have a feeling this isn't going to work," Richard says.

I turn around to face him. "We have no other choice. I promised her I wouldn't let anything happen to her."

"But Emma's father already picked Dwayne. It's not like he's going to take the risk and cancel the deal because he might get an opportunity with my fake family."

I frown as I sit against the bed. "What do we do?"

"Somehow convince her father that you're the right guy."

"He would never think that way. He hates me, remember."

I walk over to the balcony to see if Emma is around. I hate the feeling of house arrest but it's not like I can go anywhere, unless I want to be seen and ruin what we have going.

A movement catches my eye but immediately I duck down when I notice it's her father. I rush inside the bedroom and pull the curtain leaving just a small gap for me to peek from.

He pulls her cabinet open and scans through it. I notice his frustration as he slams his hand against the desk and then stares in the direction of my balcony. I pull the curtain shut and take a deep breath hoping he hasn't seen me. When at least ten seconds go by, I peek again to notice he's looking through the draw of her computer desk. He pulls a note out and shoves it in his pocket before looking back at the door in panic as if worried that Emma would catch him red-handed.

It must've been something important, whatever was written on that paper and somehow I need to find out. I watch as he rushes out of the room and that's it. He doesn't come back and nor does he make another sound.

It was a blue note. I don't know what would have been important enough for him to steal a note from his daughter's room like a thief. Maybe I can ask Emma when I next see her...if I next see her. It's been four days since I've seen her. Not since she came over for dinner.

I haven't even seen her in her bedroom which begs the question as to where she is. Worry fills me because a dreadful image fills my mind, one  where Emma isn't safe and she needs help.

Richard watches me and I can tell by the way he looks that he's thinking the exact same thing. Considering I can't do anything to figure out where she is, Richard is my only hope.

When Richard leaves the house, I take another look at her balcony. My heart races and I know I shouldn't but I walk on to my balcony. I press my hand against the the brick wall that separates the two houses as if to make sure it's steady before I decide to climb it.

Emma's voice rolls over my mind. She's done this multiple times. I place my foot over the railing and push myself up as I grasp the wall. With my other foot I drag myself against the wall until I'm standing between the two balconies.

Her balcony is slightly further from the wall than mine is which means I have to be slightly more careful. I reach my hand over grabbing the railing of her balcony to steady myself before placing one leg against the railing and the other over the railing.

I take one look down and almost regret it because if I fall down now, I'm pretty sure I'm dead. I push myself over the railing and fall to the floor of the balcony, my hands pressed against the cold tiled floor.

I take a look through the glass door, past her lace curtains before I slide the door subtly. It gives off a small sound that forces me to stop but not enough to warn anyone unless they were standing right outside her room.

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