Chapter 8 - Andrew

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I can't get Emma out of my head. Even when I close my eyes, she's standing right in front of me, sometimes holding my hands and sometimes kissing me.

I grab milk out of the fridge and apparently there's only enough for one cup. I've got a single egg there as well so I guess that's all I'm eating.

The look of the empty fridge hits me. I don't have money for food and all the money I do own goes to paying my boss because I helped Emma.

I rub my head and shove the milk and egg back in the fridge. I can do without breakfast today.

I quickly rush to work because I woke up late and thankfully I get there exactly on time. My boss though doesn't look too pleased as he waits for me.

"Hello, Andrew," he says.

I nod. "Hey,"

"You still owe me five hundred."

The garage door rattles before the water bottle by the door falls of the table. We both stare in that direction and for a second I feel like I saw someone there.

I shake my head as I face my boss. "I'll take care of it. Just give me a little longer."

My boss watches me carefully. "She must be a special girl if you were willing to fix her car for free," he says. "Do you like her?"

I turn. "Doesn't matter, I'll pay you back."

He pats my back and turns away to leave. Part of me wants to quit this place but how else am I supposed to make money? Or feed myself? Or any of that?

I grab the water bottle off the ground as I place it back on the table and notice the muddy footsteps by the garage door. Someone was here then.

My dream job, working for Intelworks. I applied in the beginning of summer but chances are I won't get it. They'll pick someone from a big town because Intelworks is a big company and they're well known around the world. For me to get a job there would be next to impossible, but it's something I've wanted for a few years now. I hear it can take people years before they get a reply from them.

I twist the wrench in my hand and look back at the car that needs to be worked on.


I pull the garage door shut when my boss taps on my shoulder.

"You don't own me any money."

I tilt my head. "Excuse me?"

"The girl whose car you had fixed for free came over and paid for the whole thing."

I nod. "Thanks."

He smiles. "Go home and get some rest. Don't come in tomorrow. You've been working hard."

I watch him. Did he try and care for me? Or is this just some fun and games for him?

He's never been like this. Usually he's a horrible boss and well quite arrogant too.

I turn and head for my way home. I don't even know how Emma knew about the 'owing my boss money' thing.

"Hey, wait up."

I twist my head to look at who that was as sun shines in my eye. Emma jogs up to me and then slows into a steady pace when she reaches me.

"Hey," I say.

"I wanted to say thank you for fixing my car. I just wished you told me that you were in a dilemma because of me," she says. "You should of never done it for free. I mean look at me, I have enough cash to get my car fixed on a daily basis. Money isn't a problem to me."

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