Chapter 14 - Andrew

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Watching her completely and utterly helpless hurts me. This girl that I've only met a month a go but somehow feel like I've known forever.

I look back at the storage room. We can't hide here forever and it wouldn't be fair on her or Gabby.

It's clear now that her dad will do anything to get her including killing people. Even though just yesterday I told her that what she did was stupid, I somehow think perhaps it was right.

Her dad is right. She'll never find happiness with me. I can't give her anything. I don't know why I'm even thinking that way, it's not like she's mine anyways.

I grab a crate from the corner and turn it over to use as a stool. "Emma, I think you should go back to your dad?"

Her hand slips from under chin in surprise as she looks up at me. "Why?" She asks. "Is it because you gave up on me?"

I swallow. "I've only known you a month, that's barely any time. I'm afraid I can't risk myself and my friends for your sake."

It hurts saying that because the truth is I'd sacrifice my life in blink of an eye for her. For the girl I met a month ago. It doesn't make sense but deep down I know it's right. One month with her was perhaps the best month of my life.

She blinks as she registers what I've just said. "Fair enough," she says in anger as she stands up. "Thanks for letting me know, Andrew."

She storms out before letting me speak and I'm tempted to chase after her and stop her. I let her go though because it's the right thing. She won't be safe with me and she can't spend her whole life on the run.

Gabby taps against the door before walking in. "Are you stupid?" She asks. "You let her walk away. The girl you tried so hard to get. The girl who admitted that she felt something for you."

She smacks me against the head. "What is wrong with you?"

I take a deep breath.

"Stop her, Andrew," Gabby says.

I shake my head. "No, Gabby. Let her be, it's for the best."

"It's not for the best. You've just sent her off to the devil. The man who sold his own daughter."

I'm about to ask how she knows when she stops me.

"Lucy told me. She isn't very pleased. You promised you'd take care of her. You've let Lucy and I both down."

"It's been just a month, Gabby. Do you know how crazy that sounds?"

She nods. "Very crazy," she says. "Do you want to know something?"

I slump my head down. "What?"

"I knew my husband for only three weeks when I ran off with him and got married. My parents weren't happy so I moved away from them to Algard. That's where I met your parents. My husband and I were great friends with your parents. We were married thirty years before he passed away. Thirty years of love and respect, and we knew within just three weeks of knowing each other."

I nod. "It's still crazy."

"But that's love. It's supposed to be crazy."

I take a deep breath. "I'll figure something out. I won't let her marry anyone she doesn't want to."

"That's a start," Gabby says. "I hadn't seen you this happy since your parents were around. Suddenly Emma comes around and you've got that same smile that you only shared with your parents. She's something special whether you want to admit it or not."

The plan. Let her go to her father. Let him take her back to Williams Square. But just as he'll force her to get married, I'll come and stop things. At least she won't have to be on the run. I just have to plan how to do it.

My mind freezes to her car. It's still stuck in the garage and only I've got the keys. Is she just going to leave it here?

I rush out of the cafe and into the direction of the garage. Careful not to get caught in case her father is still roaming around. the streets are awfully quiet so I assume he only came to take her and go.

When I get to the garage, I grab her keys from my pocket and open the door of the driver's seat. I reach over to the compartment on the left side near the passenger seat and open it. My hand reaches for envelops as I scan through them. My stops at a book. I grab it. It's a diary. It would be wrong to read it. I flip to the front page where it's written:

If you find this book then please return it the the owner at:
Emma Dedronez
24 Mancove Road
Williams Square

Her address is in her diary, thank God. I jot it down on a piece of paper and shove it in my pocket. I close her diary and shove it back into the passenger seat compartment before locking her car.

A knock on the garage door pulls my attention. "They took her back."

I nod at Richard. "I figured much."

"She was mad you know. She saw me and looked hurt. She was crying."

I frown. "I know but I had no choice. It's not like I've given up on her."

"Who knew," Richard says. "That you'd fall so head over heels for a girl."

I grab the wrench and throw it in his direction. He dodges it before grabbing it off the ground and throwing it back at me.

"Admit it, Andrew," Richard teases. "You like her. You liiiiiikkkkkeeee her."

"Are you done?" I ask.

"You love her. You lurve her. You L-O-V-E her."

I laugh as Richard punches my shoulder in joke. "Go get her before it's too late."

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