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"Start speaking," their mother said as she paced before them looking worried.
"We sort of took over grandpa's company," Draco murmured avoiding her eyes.

"How many times have I told you to let that man be. I never wanted you to communicate with him now look what you have brought up. Anyway what is done is done, now we have to clean up the mess you made," she said looking away from them as she thought back to the good old days.


"Good day to you Zoe," Tyler Prince said greeting the woman he had slowly fallen for during their trip to her apartment over the past couple of months. His dark skinned beauty with her dark locks of curly hair. A body that had him in a daze each time he watched her leave.
She was a true beauty and I never bothered asking why a girl as wealthy as she was used public transportation to and from work. "Just giving back a little," always said making me wonder.

She was after all Zoe Blake the one and only daughter of Adam Blake, owner of Blake industries. A woman truely out of his leage.

"Ty how was your day?" she asked with a shy smile.
"Well my day just got better now that you are here," he said making her laugh.
"Any fun clients today?"
"Nothing much, aside from a sweet old couple visiting the city bickering over wether to visit the museum or park first," I told her as she smiled looking as though she could picture the couple at that very moment.

Pulling up to her apartment I turned around to face her.
"Zoe would you like to hang out this evening after I am done."
"I would love to," she said in excitement.

That was one year three months ago. Thats is how I won over the girl I was currently proposing to at this very moment.
She looked down at me tears glistening in her eyes as she said the one word I had dreamt passing her lips, yes.

"Get your filthy self out of my house this very minute you imbecile," Adam said with a disgusted looking at Tyler. At six foot four Tyler easily towered over the old man. His sun kissed skin a blessing from his Italian heritage was clad in dark slack and a plain shirt open at the collar tucked into his slacks. He remained quiet as Mr Blake continued to rant about his disappointment.
"As for you, your mother would be disappointed in you. You could have brought home any man,  not a nonentity."
"But daddy, I love him."
"Love! Will love put food on the table, clothe you? What of when you have kids, how will you support my so called grandchildren?"
"I will take care of her sir," Ty said confidently.
"I swear on your mothers grave. If you marry this thing don't ever come back to this house. Do you hear me?"
"I guess this is goodbye father. Let us go Ty."


Two years later

In a year Ty had secured a job as a professional driver for some big time business man. Preferring something small and cozy we bought a cottage close to his bosses house. After leaving my father I was served with document that cut off all ties with my family, sending the signed documents I prayed I had done the right thing. My father had made sure I would never get a job in any company forcing Ty to be the sole provider.

Two years later and we were still madly in love, as I waited for Ty to come back home from a business trip after putting the boys to sleep.
"And why are you still awake," I heard a deep voice rumble as I turned around to face my husband.
"I was just waiting for this tall, sexy man who I call my husband," she said wrapping her arms around his neck as they shared a kiss.

"I missed you," he said holding her close.
"Not as much as we did. How was your trip?"
"Oh the usual driving around seeing new places. We should go on a trip of our own soon."
"Hmmm I would love that very much. Now you shower whilst I warm up your food then I can tell you the mischief our sons have been up two."
With a content smile he left her doing as she had ordered. He knew he was a lucky man to have her as his wife, and made sure to cherish her everyday of his life.


Five years later

I was sitting up with the boys as I watched how excited they were to write their names on their own before we were interrupted by a knock on the door.
"Stay here boys," she said going to see who it was.
Opening the door she found Mr Maximo standing in front of her.
"Good evening Zoe," he said with a kind smile.
"Good evening sir," she said peeking over his shoulder searching for her husband.

"Zoe may I have a word with you?" He said with an unreadable expression.
"Yes of course sir," she said with a frown. Maybe Ty was running an errand or something.
Sitting down and serving him some tea she waited for him as he took a sip from his cup.
"Zoe my dear," he said looking at her. "Ty isn't coming home."
"I don't understand you sir," she said confused.
"There was an accident and your husband died saving my life," the man before her said as she shook her head in denial tears streaming down her eyes.

She felt warm arms around her a few second later as the man she looked up to as a father consoled her.
"No, no he is just late from work that's all," she mumbled.
"Shhh my dear," he cooed as she cried.
"Mama," Draco said on the brink of tears with Dante as his side.
Wiping her tears away she smiled at them as Oliver, Mr Maximo's son walked in.
"I am so sorry Zoe," he whispered as he walked up to them.

The boys ran to him, happy to see their uncle Oliver oblivious to what was really happening.

The funeral was filled with unfamiliar faces as many people paid their respects. Max as he had insisted on being called had paid for everything making sure she didn't have to worry about anything.
"I would like for you to come stay with us," he said.
"Oh no thank you sir..Max," she said. "I have already secured a job at the local diner."
Knowing not to push her he accepted her answer as she walked away with her sons.

Spotting Oliver with his wife he walked over to them.
"She might have refused your help, but she will need it," Naomi said looking sadly at the woman with her children.
"That is why I need you to keep an eye on her, have one of our most trusted man to keep an eye on her, we protect our own. Let her have her independence but make sure doors open for her at all times," Maximo said putting on his shades leaving his son and daughter in law.


"Sebastian! What are you doing here?" Zoe asked.
"I came to see how are doing."
"Well I am fine thank you," she said in a clipped tone. She still hated the man who had provoked the rift between her and her father. It was because of him that her father had now even considered accepting Ty.
"Listen Zoe. I still love  you, we can finally be together now that he is gone. I can be the boys' father."
"Stay away from my family Sebastian," she seethed as two men walked up to them grabbing ahold of him.

She simply nodded her head as they dragged him away, after all Maximo was watching over her and she knew she could not send the men away.


Twenty years later

Dante and Draco had both graduated with outstanding grades in business and financial management. Already owning six banks to their name and no one knew the identity of the owners except the managers who were sworn to secrecy. At 26 years of age they could easily have any woman they wanted but for the time being they had one woman in their life their mother. Pulling up to the dinner their mom worked they walked in with grim expressions but once they saw her they broke into brilliant smiles that lit up their faces. She was their one weakness, the woman who had slaved away to make a better life for them. Getting scholarships for school alleviated her burden but she still continued to work hard refusing uncle Oliver's help.

"How are my boys doing?" She said walking towards them with a tray of food.
"Great mom," we just missed you Dante the younger of the two said.
"Actually we came to take you somewhere," Draco said.
"But I am not yet done here."
"Mom, just come with us," they both said pulling her out of the diner.

In front of them was a limo parked out front as people stared curiously.
"What is going on?" She said looking at each of her son's.
"You are going on your vacation mom," Draco said.
"And aunt Naomi will be joining you," Dante said with a smile knowing how close the two ladies were.
"Oh my, but how."
"Oh let's just say our banks just skyrocketed to the top as of twelve hours ago and our first obligation was to treat you. We are the number one bank now mom."
"What about my job."
"Everything is taken care of mom," they both said pushing her gently towards the car.


And now here they were.

9. Revenge of the Prince (Interratial)Where stories live. Discover now