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"Will someone explain to me what is going on here?" Sebastian said barging into the boardroom.
"Sit down Sebastian. Mr Prince has a brilliant idea," Mr Blake said.

Draco smiled. I had them in the palm of my hands I thought to myself as I pitched my idea on how to increase income thus lowering the risk of another employees strike. Everything had gone according to plan after starting a rumor about people's salaries being cut down and some actually working without pay for the upcoming months chaos had ensued as the managers came to me, begging me to fix the problem.

"Now Blake industries is a large company. I don't see why we have to cut down salaries but should actually be giving out raises. If we were to form a partnership with Belletower Ships this would be a positive factor for the company, our supply demand will triple once the African ports are open for trade. Our fleet is nothing compared to Belletower but if we were to make strong allies with this company, I guarantee success. Inside trade is safe, but there isn't much income now that competition has risen. With the help of Belletower everything would go smoothly."

"I like you idea young men," Mr Blake said as the others nodded in approval. Sebastian however had a scowl on his face.
"I will however need to get a forensic accountant to help me go through the accounts so that we have enough funds to support this deal.
"Very well," the old man said as Sebastian visibly paled at the mention of a forensic accountant.
"Than you sir," I said.
"No thank you young man. I see a bright future ahead of you," he said with a smile.
I simply nodded my head in acknowledgement rushing out of that office.

Locking myself in my office I settled down seeing my hand shake in anger as I remembered the way he smiled at me. He didn't even recognize his own grandson.
There was a knock on my door a few minutes later as I realized it was already 5 p.m.

Standing up I went to find out who it was only to see Ela standing there with a smile. At five months anyone could see the reason behind her glow.
"Hi," she chirped.
"Hi," I said opening the door wider for her to come in before closing it and joining her on the sofa.
With a tired sigh I closed my eyes opening them to see her looking worried.
"Is everything alright?" She asked.
I turned to her with a smile.
"Everything is much better now," I said winning a smile from her.
"Please tell me you haven't forgotten?"
"No, let me just get my things then we can go home, freshen up then off to your class," I informed her closing my laptop.

Caine was waiting in front of the building the door already open for us. Loosening my tie undoing the top three buttons of my shirt I rested my head back as we blended with the traffic.
"If you are tired we could always postpone," she murmured.
"No cara mia," I murmured shaking my head. "So how was your day?"
"It was fine thank you, very busy since more and more people are now coming in," she said with a warm smile gracing her face.
"That's good to hear," I said looking at her as she began to tell me more about her day with enthusiasm.

"We only had a problem with a bunch of pompous pricks who didn't want to pay their bill saying the food was not good once they cleaned their plates," she said with a frown remembering the men.
"So what did you do?"
"Well they messed with a pregnant chef what do you expect. I walked out there with my pan in hand and made sure they paid for their meal. Most of the customers ended up laughing at the losers and gave me an applause," she said proud of herself.
"Well remind me not to mess with you in your condition," I chuckled as she laughed.
"I don't think we will have any problems, you are too good for that," she said.
"What if I have a bad side you haven't seen?" I asked her with a raised eyebrow.
"You, bad. Never," she laughed.
"Never say never mi amore," I said as we pulled up into the garage.

Taking her hand I guided her into the elevator as we shot up to my penthouse.
"There are some clothes of yours in my room. You freshen up in there I will use the guest room," I told her grabbing some jeans and a t-shirt and anything else I would need.
A few minutes later she emerged looking lovely in a yellow dress top that and black leggings paired with green sandals making me stop in my tracks.
My heart skipped a beat as she walked towards me in the kitchen taking my glass of orange juice drinking some of it in the process. She looked beyond beauty itself. I suddenly felt nervousness about this whole Lamaze thing. Yes I wanted to be a good friend and be there for her but at this rate I found myself wondering what would happen if we were more than friends. Yes she was carrying another mans' child, whose identity she still had to divulge.

9. Revenge of the Prince (Interratial)Where stories live. Discover now