Chapter 26

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"Hey Sweetheart, wake up, we're home."

I slowly peal my eyes open, revealing a grey sky that is readying itself to release some flakes of white. I see the thick pine trees and the familiar aroma of heavy forest air.

I'm home. The realisation that I am home, the place where I am being stalked, the place where I am being guarded because someone out there wants to hurt me. A heavy weight is set upon me. I feel my chest tightening with pressure.

"Hey." I smile at a soothing, deep and husky voice. My mate.

I turn my head and meet his eyes. Just the sight of him comforts me. Knowing he is with me lifts the weight a little more and makes me stand a little more straighter.

His face brightens as the sides of his kissable mouth widens into a beaming smile. I know he's trying to be positive, trying to be assuring.
"Everything will be okay. We're in this together, so don't stress out."

He leans in and kisses my forehead. I wish I could freeze time at this very moment. This moment where nothing is disturbing us. There is no stalker. There is no danger. There are no risks. There are no threats. It's just him and me. The feel of his lips against my skin, showing me that I have security, stability, comfort, safety, protection and love with this man. Knowing that lips to the skin is a sign of loyalty. 

I wish this moment never ended. Never let reality set in. But unfortunately we can't live in our fantasy. As much as I like to, I need to resolve this problem so than I can make sure that fantasy, that dream, becomes my reality someday.

"I trust you." I whisper.

He nods confidently. With a deep breath, we climb out of the car. Our gaze is met with our Pack Village. All the cottages and facilities. My vision is set upon our house, the pack house.

Worry is eating at me as the thoughts of my missing brother is a constant presence in my mind. He is the only real family I have, besides my father.

I haven't thought much about my father in a while. He isn't really like a father anymore. Ever since my mother died, he's been a shell of the man he once was. He ignored me as if I didn't exist. But he still trained me to be strong. I never finished my training though. I can defend myself from a male wolf, but ultimately, he can still beat me in a fight.
At least my father taught me something.

I ended up calling him Alpha because I didn't consider him a father. He didn't take his role as a dad when I needed him most. That's when my older brother Eddie stepped in. He recognised that I didn't have anyone anymore, and I guess in a way he didn't really have anyone either. So we started to hang out and we ended up having a lot in common. He became my best friend. But Vince and Caroline would always find ways to make my life just a little bit more miserable than it already was, if that's even possible.
So the thought of my father, no, my previous alpha being here, makes me feel a little queesy.

Me and my mate make our way towards the pack house hand in hand. Every step I take closer to the door, knowing whats on the other side, I take a deeper breath. We walk up the stairs to the door. I gulp as Xander opens it. It takes seconds to open a door, but for some reason it felt as if everything was going slow motion. I'm just waiting to see my father's dull eyes, going right through me as if I'm not here. I'm preparing to guard myself around him. To protect myself from being hurt by my own dad.

When the door is fully open, I suck in a breath when my eyes hit the back of the man that was never there for me. He turns around and faces us. He looks older than what I remember him as. The wrinkles around his eyes have deepened. His eyes look like ghosts. No life. It's as if he's the walking dead. 

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