Chapter 11

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I was sitting on my bed reading when Xander came in, "Hey Izzy," He tucks his hands in the pockets of his jeans. He was staring at me very intently, "I wanted to ask you something."

I tilted my head in curiosity.

"I need to do some Alpha business for a while, but if you're okay with it, I would like to take you out tonight."

I sat dumbfounded, "Y-You a date?" I said hesitantly and nervously.

Xander smirks, "Yeah, but only if you're feeling up to it. I'd understand if you didn't want to right now."

Then I realised that we actually haven't had a date yet. And then it dawned me...I've never had a date in my life! This is my very first date! Wait! Oh my life! I don't have a dress! The anxiety slowly seeped into my mind. I even want to go on this date? I mean, am I really being too easy? Or am I being too hard if I don't go on it? I was confused as to what to decide. Most of me wanted to not go just because of my pride. I didn't want him to think getting me was that easy, but then what if at the end of it all...I may choose him? And then all the stupid hard stuff that I did was all just a waste of time?

I internally groaned. I'm over-thinking this. All he wants is a date so than we can get to know each other. I admit, I have noticed him genuinely changing. I found myself admiring aspects of his character and personality, as well as beginning to feel even more attracted to him. One date wouldn't be harmful, right? And besides, it'd not like we're going to seal the deal tonight. It's just date. One date. My first date...ever. SHIT! I'm Nervous! 

"I don't exactly have anything date worthy to wear?" I said

Xander digs something out of his jeans pocket. He throws me a gold card, "Ask the girls to take you shopping. Buy anything you want."

I froze. No ones ever let me but anything before. I frowned at him confused. "Are you serious?" Was he joking, "You're lending me your gold card? Do you realise what you're doing?"

He chuckles, "I know exactly what I'm doing. Don't worry about the money, I want you buy anything you want. As long as you feel beautiful in it, wear it."

I crossed my arms, "I don't want to buy anything, I just want to go like this," I said in my sweat pants and oversized hoodie. 

Xander shrugs, "If you want to. You can wear whatever the hell you want, Izzy, but either way, I'm taking you on a date no matter what you're wearing."

I gulped and looked down at the card. I'm gonna buy something. I sat there in a shock, "You just gave me your gold card." I said again. 

He laughs and nods his head, "Well I didn't give it to you just to look at it. Get your ass up and go buy whatever you want."

Xander turned to leave. 

"Wait!" I exclaimed abruptly. 

Xander stops and turns around.

I slowly stood from the bed and used one crutch to approach Xander. I gulped nervously before saying, "Thank you Xander, I've never done anything like this."

He tilts his head, "Shopping?"

I shook my head, "No...receiving a gift. I just want you to know that I am thankful. And I won't take it for granted." Memories of me being a slave to my step mother came to mind. I was more like a pet than anything else. But seeing where I have come from and to what I'm doing now, I will always be grateful that I'm away from that wretched woman. 

Xander's eyes reflected a short moment of anger before softening, "You will never have to go wanting, Lily. You want something, tell me, and I will get it for you."

XANDER (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now