Chapter Fifteen, Tire Me Out.

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I told them....

Most of the situation.

I said that Bill had appeared to me in a dream, I said that he might have come back but I didn't know for sure and I said that me and Mabel snuck away to come and help look for Bill if he did in fact come back. Ford look very concerned.

"I was afraid this would happen" he said, tapping on the table we were sitting at. Soos even joined our conversation, and he looked scared as well. The fear that had settled in the room worried me. What if one of them found out that Bill was here? What if Mabel and Soos out two and two together and pinned Drake as really being Bill? I felt like my mind was about to explode.

"I'm sorry to interrupt this important conversation but I wanna know Dipper, what's with the bunny?" Stan asked, I looked over to my left to see my stuffed bunny was still here beside me. I laughed nervously, about to make up a lie and say I won it but Mabel had to be annoying and jump in right before me.

"He got it on a date!" She chimed, Stan laughed and patted me on the back.

"You know normally the guy wins the girl something but whatever, maybe she doesn't like bunnies? What's her name?" He said. I gulped, Mabel went to open her mouth but I put my hand over it before she could speak.

"His name is Drake" I couldn't believe that I almost said Bill. I took a small breather, glad that that was over with. But then I remembered who I was talking to.

"Did you just say 'his'? Like 'he'? Like a guy?" Stan asked. I took a shaky breath. Honestly I wish that coming out gay wasn't a huge deal and when someone was gay they could just say who there dating and no one asks 'since when are you gay?' Bitch since forever. I nodded to Stan.

"Yes... Drake is a male" I said trying to remain calm. Ford smiled and nudged me.

"Even better," he laughed "good for you Dipper, you found yourself" he finished. I smiled at his support.

"We must get back to our Bill conversation. We have to plot his death" Ford added after his accepting me sentence. I felt my stomach turn. Yeah Dipper you found yourself now let's kill Bill - and not the movie. I swear if I told anyone here I made out with Bill cipher and am dating him they would NOT accept it that easy.

"Well, I guess what ever floats your boat kid, maybe that's why you were having trouble with the ladies" Stan said, I laughed at that because that does explain a lot.

"Yeah, the trouble was they were ladies" I said. And that made the whole table laugh. I felt bad that we were supposed to be having a serious conversation.

"Now back to the serious stuff I guess" I said, Ford nodded.

"We should go out tomorrow night, using someone my equipment we could look for Bill, see if he is around or was around." Ford said, I nodded to him and felt sweat start to form. Could he track that Bill had been around me? And around the house? And around my bunny? What if Ford found out Bill was here? How would that conversation go? By the way, gruncle Ford, I just wanted to let you know that I plan on making out and having sex with Bill everyday under this very roof, don't be mad. I'm pretty sure Ford would kill me. Legitimately kill me.

"But, if it's what I feared..." Ford began. I looked over at him and raised my eyebrow.

"What?" I asked, Ford took a deep breath.

"If Stan had remembered Bill, there might be a chance he remembered Bill in a different form, for example human. Bill would come back looking like a human, he would still have his demonly powers, but he would leave no trace, because humans don't give off demon traces" Ford said, I felt a sigh of relief coming over me but I kept it in to ward off suspicion.

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