Chapter Fourteen, Make Out.

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"So. We're considering each other an item now?" I asked Bill. We were heading into town, Stan and Ford were supposed to be arriving back today, and Bill didn't want to be near the mystery shack when they came back just incase Ford recognized him in this human form. I respected that he was actually being a pretty decent person, and said that I'd join him in his day of solitude. Which turned out to be a walk around town.

"Blah," Bill stuck out his tongue "no way man, that sounds so weird. Let's just say were a couple, not an item" he said to me, I smiled and laughed, looking across the street at the oh to familiar stores and businesses.

"So I can officially call you my boyfriend?" I asked, Bill looked away from me and shrugged.

"Knock yourself out hot stuff" he said while still facing away from me. I laughed at him, causing him to turn and face me.

"No I'm serious, knock yourself out it'll be hot" Bill said. I laughed at him and shook my head.

"Your crazy"

"Yeah I know, you should know that too" he said. I laughed. I looked around until I spotted the arcade. I grabbed Bills arm and rushed over to the doors.

"I totally wanna fight you in some arcade games! I am so good at them!" I yelled as Bill got dragged along with me. Bill didn't protest, he just laughed and ran along with me. We walked into the arcade and looked at the machines. I dug into my pocket for change but I didn't have any. I slouched over.

"Why so upset Pine Tree?" Bill smirked, snapping his fingers making a whole bucket of coins appear from thin air. I smiled and sprung up from my slouch.

"Bill, you never fail to amaze me" I smiled. We went to the first couple of games, basket ball hoops, skeeball, and a crane machine which was completely and utterly rigged so neither of us won anything. We moved onto the fighting games after, street fighter, mortal combat. I recalled the time I brought that fighter to life, and I told Bill about it. He laughed. Revenge on Robbie, and now he won Wendy. I wasn't upset, I had Bill now.

"Oh god Bill look!" I said pointing to a huge stuffed bunny. It was baby blue, with button eyes and a cute stitched mouth. It had a sticker slapped on it's stomach. 1000 tickets.

"Shit we only have like 100" I stated looking at the tickets.

"That's barely enough to get a lollipop" I pouted. Bill grabbed my hand and pulled me towards a wheel of fortune machine. The light travels around the board and you have to push a button to make it stop, you get whatever amount of tickets it lands on. There was only one spot that said jackpot, it was virtually impossible to get that one. I had seen people run out of money on this machine before.

"Bill this machine is impossible" I said, Bill put in a coin and the game started.

"You seem to be forgetting something Pine tree," Bill said as he focused on the machine.

"Reality is an illusion," he said, watching the light go around one more time.

"Therefore nothing is impossible" he slammed his hand down on the button so fast I almost fell over from the wind it caused. The machine started ringing and the lights went crazy l. He did it. He hit the jackpot. Tickets poured out of the machine like a sink faucet.

"Holy crap!" I said, as Bill collected the tickets. It took almost a full ten minutes for all the tickets to come out. He tore off the end and grabbed me, rushing over to the counter, dumping all the tickets in front of the worker.

"One big bunny please" he said. The worker went and plucked down the bunny and passed it to Bill. The thing was almost as tall as me, counting the length of the ears it was taller then me. Bill gave it to me and I hugged it. Bill was so hot right now, winning me things, slamming his hand down on the button. I smirked at him and locked my pinky with his and lead him out the doors of the arcade.

"Where are we going Dipper?" Bill giggled, I shushed him and led him into a field with some trees and foliage. I put the bunny on the ground so it was leaning it's back on a tree trunk and I sat in between the bunny's legs, pulling Bill down to sit on my lap.

"What in the world?" Bill laughed at me, I kissed him lightly.

"Stupid things like these turn me on" I smiled. We kissed under that tree for what felt like ages, over and over again. My lips were becoming chapped and by the time we were all kissed out, it was getting dark. Bill intertwined our fingers as he walked me home and I held the bunny by the waist in my left arm. I rested my head on his shoulder. I couldn't believe myself at this moment. I had fallen for Bill fucking Cipher. And oh god it couldn't have been better.

We got to the mystery shack just as a car was pulling up. It only took me a few seconds to realize it was Stan and Ford.

"Oh shit Pine Tree imma bounce out this place" Bill said, placing a kiss on my cheek and then running off into the forest waving goodbye. I waved back, wondering if he would end up sleeping in that old house again. Another thought crossed my mind. Did Bill even sleep?

"Dipper? Is that you?" A voice called from the car, and out climbed my gruncle Stan, looking surprisingly the same as he did all those summers ago. Then, Ford came out of the car, spotting me as Stan did. I waved at them and smiled, holding onto my bunny. I approached the car.

"Hey there guys" I said, smiling at them. Stan grabbed me and embraced me in a big hug that was both embarrassing but well needed. Ford joined in as well, causing both me and Stan to laugh. Once we let go, Ford pointed at my bunny.

"What's with the bunny?" He asked. I was about to say that it was a long story but then Mabel came crashing outside. Stan and Ford hugged her as well and then we all went into the mystery shack. Soos was just closing up shop.

"So what your parents finally let you come back by yourselves?" Stan asked, me and Mabel shot each other some concerning looks.

"Uh, Dipper should tell you guys what's going on" she said. I gulped. I just spent the whole day kissing the dude and now I had to spend the whole night talking about how I was worried he might be out there. Not to mention the fact that once I say something about it, Ford will do what ever it takes to bring Bill down again, and if I'm dating Bill secretly, how exactly would this situation play out? I obviously could not have Bill and my family. So I just had to make a choice.

"Well, it's about Bill Cipher..."


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A/N hey another one of these... This is more of a promo for a new book I just started writing it's just a collection of funny stuff I have come up with and there's some Billdip stuff in there if u wanna check it out! Love u all! Xoxo

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