Chapter Three Arriving.

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We got on the bus early in the morning. I placed our note on the kitchen table.

Dear mom and dad,

I can not go on living knowing that you two think I'm crazy. I don't care what you have to say about it, but I need someone to listen to me. I am taking Mabel and I will kill her. Then I will kill myself. We will die together knowing that what happened that summer was true and really happened. Hopefully Bill Cipher won't take over the world and you won't all die a horrible death.

Love Dipper.

I also attached the letter I received when me and Mabel left that one summer, everyone signed it, I left it so they knew exactly what I was talking about.

Me and Mabel were the only two on the bus to Gravity Falls and it felt weird being back on this bus, knowing that years ago we rode almost the same one. We both were nervous and depressed, kind of like when we first got told to go to Gravity Falls. I sighed to myself thinking about the day, dreading seeing all our long lost friends again. Dreading seeing Wendy...

"You ok?" Mabel asked me, her hair messily pulled back with a head band, bags under her eyes so big they looked like suitcases. Her sweater was grey today, a design of a happy face with X'd out eyes lay on the front. I shrugged and slouched in my seat, pulling the collar of my blue flannel shirt over my cheeks, fixing my hair.

"I'm thinking about Wendy..." I finally admitted, Mabel forced a smile on her face.

"I'm sure it'll be ok, I mean yeah she'll be like 20 but you know your almost 18 anyways" Mabel's smile is the only reason I managed a smile back. The truth is I really liked Wendy, the key word is LIKED. When I was first infatuated with her it was like a dream. But now, I feel like if I saw her again, I wouldn't feel the same. It would be like how it was with me and any other girl. Just bland boringness with no explanation. The girls were great, amazing, just, as I grew up, I felt more out of place on a date. What if I see Wendy and feel out of place? What could that mean?

Mabel turned to me and noticed that I wasn't looking much better after what she said, she rested her head on my shoulders.

"You know who I want to see? Gideon - I wonder what puberty did to 'lil old him'" we both laughed at that, thinking about Gideon hitting puberty made me laugh, I couldn't imagine what he would look like.

"And Soos. I wonder what he looks like now," I said, Mabel laughed.

"Yeah. I wonder how he's doing running the mystery shack, I can't wait to see it. Do you think he'll let us stay there?" Mabel asked me, I nodded to her.

"Probably. I can't imagine him saying no" the rest of the bus ride was quiet, Mabel was listening to her headphones and I was writing, staring out the window. The sun finally began to rise, and the brightness came into the bus window. It enlightened me slightly, it attempted to get the worried thoughts our of my head. But I couldn't help but worry. When the bus finally came to a stop, I was more then anxious. Mabel got up, a smile plastered across her face as she ran out of the bus. I followed her, smiling a little less because of the thoughts flying around my head.

As soon as we got out - our suitcases in our hands - we started walking through the woods, looking for the muster shack. Mabel had one headphone in and was singing One Direction loudly as we journeyed through the trees. I even caught myself singing a bit of the song History. Mabel said I liked them, I protested I didn't. I heard a rustle in the bushes near us and turned to it, but there was nothing there and I shrugged it off as being an animal of some sort. But moving further along, I heard foot steps and more rustling. I turned around just as the sound started and spotted something.

"Who's there?!" I yelled and a girl screamed and tumbled over a log, falling onto the ground. Mabel put up her fist as if she was ready to fight her, and u stood back, holding onto my suitcase. The girl stood up and wiped the dirt off of herself.

She had pitch black hair with yellow elastics holding it up in pigtails. She was wearing tights and a long baggy Pokémon t-shirt. She has on converse and eyeliner, with eyelashes nearly a foot long. She had enough piercings on her ears to teach a child basic math and ruby red lips which complimented her tanned skin.

"Who are you?!" I yelled, the girl cleared her throat.

"Are you Dipper Pines?" She asked instead of answering my question. I stomped my foot on the ground.

"I asked first" I said, the girl seemed to fumble her words and walked over to me. She seemed the same age as me, give or take a couple years.

"My name is Ezy Arsenic I'm from Canada I work for the news" she said, I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Your from Canada and work for the news?" I asked her, she nodded, smiling.

"You look 17" I protested.

"I am 17" she said, she could tell I was confused so she took a deep breath and started explaining more.

"I'm considered a really good writer so they asked if I wanted to write a story about the strange untold mysteries of Gravity Falls" Ezy explained, walking a but closer to me. Mabel didn't let her guard down.

"So why are you asking for Dipper Pines?" I asked, without confirming I was Dipper Pines. Ezy scratched the back of her head.

"Well, I googled Gravity Fall and searched the deep web - which by the way you should never do - and found out that Dipper and Mabel Pines saved the world from 'Weirdmageddon' and I came here in search of Dipper but no one for his description and I asked around and everyone said he never came back after that one summer and so everyday I have been waiting by that bus stop to see if someone comes off and fits the description of Dipper-" she paused from her long explanation "-and you do" she finished. I looked at Mabel and then back at Ezy, gripping onto my suitcase. Ezy reached into her pocket and came up towards me.

"Listen, I know your Dipper Pines. My hacking skills are top notch and I may or may not have spied on you a little bit-" Ezy passed me a card with her name and a number on it.

"I want to world to know your story. Call me if you want to talk," Ezy went on her tip toes so she was my hight and made a triangle with her index fingers and thumbs, holding them over her right eye.

"I know you have seen things Dipper, all hail Bill Cipher, am I right?" She smirked, then lowered her hands. She waved goodbye and trampled off into the woods. Mabel tapped on my shoulder as I looked down at the card Ezy gave me.

"Let's get out of her Dipper!" Mabel yelled, pulling on my flannel. I just stared down at the card.

Esmerelda Arsenic • News Reporter • Journalist • Hacker

And then a cellphone number, circled, and written beside it was a small message;

Help me tell the world we are not crazy for believing in this stuff.

And that was all.


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