Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Alina frowned slightly while staring at me. "Aw sweetheart. What's the matter? You look as if you've seen a ghost." She broke out a grin.

I felt the blood leave my face. The similarities between the two women were definitely visible now. They didn't look exactly the same which led me to believe they were fraternal twins. When I didn't respond, Alina's frown deepened.

"Do you plan on staying quiet the through all of this?" She asked me.

"What do you want?" I snapped.

She smiled. This woman might be even crazier than her sister. "Well I suppose you would want to know that. However, due to such circumstances, you will have to settle on my answer of I can't tell you."

I fumed and tried to get out of Gabe's grip. His hands tightened around my wrist. "What do you mean you can't tell me? There's a reason you are here and I want to know it."

Alina petted Eva's unconscious head. "All in due time, my dear. In the meanwhile, Kiara love, you and your brother take Evelina to my car. Be careful with her. I will take care of my darling nephew and Adelaide."

I geared myself for when Gabe would let go. But he didn't; instead he held on even tighter making the my hand start to throb. "Mistress, Addy isn't weak. She'll attack you and everyone in here if I let her go."

"Smart boy." I smirked.

Alina smiled and walked towards me. "Oh will she now?"

She pulled out a sleek black gun from her waist and held it to my head. I heard the familiar sound of the safety being taken off. Refusing to be afraid I made eye contact with Alina. She had a cold and calculating look on her face. Almost as if she expected a reaction.

I raised an eyebrow in question. "Are you going to pull the trigger or do you need help?"

She grinned but it held no humor. "Snarky little one aren't you?" Her gaze turned to Gabe. "Go and do what I asked of you, Gabe."

He still didn't move. "Are you sure? I don't thin-"

"I told you to do something, boy. And it wasn't to think. Move along and execute my request before I execute you." She threatened him coldly.

Gabe let go immediately. "Yes Mistress."

I followed his movements with my eyes. Together Gabe and his sister, carried Eva to the elevator. I had to do something, no matter how I felt about Eva. If she was going to be tortured again, it should at least be by our father's hands for destroying our family. Not some stranger whose family breeds lunatics.

I took a deep breath preparing myself for what I was about to do. As if reading my mind. Alina pushed the barrel of her gun harder into my temple.

"My dear girl. I wouldn't do it." She told me.

I swallowed. "Do what exactly?"

She let out a humorless laugh that chilled my bones. "Don't play dumb. Your idea is written all over your face."

She stood close to me as I watched my sister get taken away by the boy she loved and his heartless sister. I wondered how quick Alina would pull the trigger if I even moved my finger. When they were gone, Alina looked at my neck and gasped while she eased up with the gun.

"Where did you get that locket?" She asked.

I moved quickly attempting to knock the gun out of her hand. It went flying across the room. Alina gave it her attention for a split second allowing me to kick her in the gut. She doubled over and I threw her back onto the ground. Alina tried to block as many punches as she could but I moved faster. My fists landed on her face, neck, and chest several times before she could block.

The Rise Of A Mafia Leader (Book 2)#Wattys2016Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ