Chapter 8

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Sorry it took so long to upload. I have a cold -_-


Chapter 8

I took a bottle of water and a towel from Matteo. He began rubbing my shoulders as I was a boxer getting ready for my next match. In a way I guess I was. We both were huddled in a corner waiting for my dad give more instructions.

I wiped the sweat off my brow. The room had become increasingly hot and my dad wasn't turning on the AC for reasons beyond me. I pulled on a black short -sleeved t-shirt and took off my tank top. It felt better to be in something dry but gross because I was so sweaty.

"You killed it out there. When you said you were good at knives, I didn't think you'd be that good." Matteo complimented me.

I rolled my eyes. "Thanks."

"No seriously, I mean your aim is impeccable and..."

I zoned him out as I took a swig of water. Eva was across the room with some guy that was definitely not Luke. He had darkish blond hair and was tall. Eva laughed at something he said and kissed him with a smile. I frowned at the sight. Who is that?

"Who is that guy Eva's sitting with?" I interrupted my cousin casually taking another swig of water.

He looked over to them before answering. "Her boyfriend."

"What? What happened to Luke?" I asked. I was shocked. She hadn't even told me anything.

Matteo shrugged. "Earlier this week they broke up. Haven't seen him since. This guy just showed up the next morning and stayed."

I'd noticed a change in Eva since the whole 'Anne' situation, but I hadn't thought it had gotten that bad. Sure, I still had trust issues when it came to Luke, but I couldn't ignore the fact that I had indeed shot and killed his mother right in front of him. Luke should've hated me but he didn't and so I learned to trust him even after he betrayed us.

Now this guy was here. He must've felt me staring because Eva's new boyfriend turned to me.

I sucked in a breath. He looked familiar with his sharp nose and crystal blue eyes. His hair was the only thing doubting my suspicions. Could he be Kiara's twin? I frowned as he winked and turned back to Eva to whisper something in her ear. Her eyes caught mine and her face reddened a bit.

She was pissed.

I stood up as she began walking purposefully towards me. Matteo stepped back a bit and I caught that a few others paid more attention to the scene about to unfold. The blond boy leaned against the wall with hs arms crossed and an expressionless look on his face.

Eva stopped a few steps away from me but was still close. I wondered what he told her.

"What do you think you're doing?" she hissed at me.

I leaned against the wall in a careless manner. Our father still wanted us to do one more thing before the end of the night session. "Waiting for my next task. What about you?"

She reddened a bit more at my casualness. "My boyfriend said you winked at him."

"And you believed him." I stated.

She smirked coldly. "Do you miss your own boyfriend that bad or has he finally left you for someone better?"

I stiffened. I missed Jonathan terribly. Her comment sent a tinge of longing through my heart. "As you did with Luke?"

"We weren't meant to be." She shrugged.

I snickered. "Right," I dragged out the i, "Is that why you were planning on marrying him? Because you weren't meant to be?"

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