Chapter 9

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(This chapter might be shorter than usual)
Phil's POV

Dan spun in his chair away from me, looking at the men with a confused look on his face. The two came closer to us and just as I was about to grab Dan's arm so we could get out of there, the second man grabbed me by the wrist and held my arms behind my back as the first man punched Dan's jaw.

My eyes shot open, watching as this guy threw Dan to the floor, Dan trying to get him off.

"Dan!" I yelled, trying to get out of this mans grasp. The other man had pinned Dan to the ground and was beating him. Why? I had no clue.

"Dan!!" I yelled again, kicking back to try to get this guy to let go of me but before I could get loose I felt a sharp pain in my jaw. He had punched me, probably to get me to shut up.

"Quit yelling kid!" He said in my ear. My face throbbed and I watched as the guy who was beating Dan lifted him by the neck. Dan had bruises all over his face, his lip was split open and so was his head. The mans grip tightened around Dan's neck, Dan instinctually trying to make him let go which only made him grip tighter.

"Security!" I heard the bartender and several other people yell. That's right, there were almost always police officers or security officers of some kind at bars. The two men caught each other's gaze, the man beating Dan dropped him and the other letting go of me. They ran out of the building as quick as possible, two security guards coming over to me and Dan.

I felt tears form in my eyes, rushing over to Dan as I checked for a pulse.

There was nothing and I covered my mouth with my other hand. The next thing I knew one of the security guards had gently moved me out of the way as they inspected Dan.

"Ring the ambulance." One of them turned to me and I nodded, getting to my feet as I pulled my phone out of my pocket.

'999' I thought it would just be easier to call the police and they could contact the hospital, someone picking up quickly.

"999 what is your emergency?" It was a nice sounding lady but she sounded rushed. I took a deep breath in, trying to hold back tears.

"W-we need an ambulance at Prokers Bar, immediately!" I said into the phone.

"Alright sir, could you tell me what happened?"

"T-these two men just came in here and started beating my boyfriend to a pulp- They d-dissapeared b-but the security told me to ring someone." I spoke quickly.

"Alright, I will contact an ambulance and get a couple of police officers to come. Could you stay on the line with me please?" I heard typing and some beeping noises from the other side of the phone, along with lots of people talking at the bar.

"Y-yes..." I muttered.

"Alright." She was silent for a moment. "Two police cars and an ambulance will be there soon. What's your name?"

"Phil Lester." I said. I looked around the bar, hearing the faint sound of sirens. They were fast.

"Alright, and you said it was your boyfriend? What's his name?"

"Yes and his name is Dan Howell..." I said. All my words were in a rush, and I wanted to go over and hold Dan whether he was conscious or not.

"Alright. Thank you."

"You're welcome." The queue beeped and I watched as police officers and nurses rushed inside. They all came over to where we were, the security guard lifting Dan on the gurney and one of them telling one of the three nurses to see me.

I tucked my phone in my pocket, a man with a white shirt and blue sash coming over to me. I must've been bleeding from when the man punched me because he led me to the ambulance outside and started cleaning my head with a sterilized napkin.

"What's your name?" He asked me. His voice was gentle sounding.

"Phil. Phil Lester." I let him clean the blood from my head.

"Do you know the man who was attacked?" He asked.

"Yes. His name is Dan Howell."

"What is your connection with Dan?"

"He's my boyfriend." I said softly.

He looked down at me for a moment, smiling softly. "Good on you. Anyway, did you see the attack?" I nodded. "What exactly happened?"

"These two guys just came into the bar and started beating Dan... One of them made me watch and the other started choking Dan, then the bartender called the security..." I said, rubbing my eyes a but. I felt him out a plaster on my head, holding it there for a moment.

"Yikes." He moved me out of the way as two nurses rolled the gurney out of the bar, closing up the bottom and bringing him into the ambulance.

"M-may I come with you? Please?" I asked the man who bandaged me up. He got on the ambulance, holding out a hand to help me up. "Thank you..."

I looked at Dan. There were red marks around his neck and his eyes were closed. I bit my bottom lip, grabbing his hand gently as I laced my finger with his. I kneeled down on the ground, the nurses working in the other side of the bed. The man that bandaged my head closed the ambulance doors and I felt a hand on my back. I looked up, seeing him gently rubbing my back to comfort me I guess. I smiled softly and ran my thumb along Dan's hand.

"You'll be okay..." I whispered softly and squeezed Dan's hand. He didn't squeeze back.
Shorter than most but.... Sorry for the angst wHOOPS
Two updates on one day because wHY NOT
This story wasn't supposed to go this way but lookie at what I've done now *smh*
Anyway, I hope you guys are liking this 😁😁
~ Your Neighbourhood Friendly Phangirl

Unrequited Love [boyxboy] 〈Phan〉【COMPLETED】Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang