Chapter 1

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It was a Monday afternoon and I had just finished editing my latest video, "Would Phil survive this anime?". I could hear Dan in his room, probably with his girlfriend Jessica. I bit my lip gently.

Why her?

I was so envious, but of course I would never admit it. I wanted Dan so badly. I sighed softly as I heard his door open and raised my head to see Dan leading her to the door.

"Bye hun." Jessica said. Dan chuckled softly as he kissed her before she opened the door and left. Dan came into the lounge with a small smile.

"Are you editing?" Dan asked as he sat down beside me.

I smiled softly. "Yeah, wanna see it?"

Dan sighed. "I would but I also have a video to edit." He leant his head back. "I really don't want to though."

"Which video? Is it that fanfiction?"

"Yeah." Dan replied. "I have to put all the pictures everyone drew into one video along with the soundtrack of me reading it."

"I could help you if you want?" I suggested. I would love to help Dan.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm just gonna upload this quick and then I'll help you." I smiled brightly at my best friend. Oh how I wished I could call him something else.

"Alright, thanks Phil. Always there when I need you." Dan said, getting up and walking to his room.

My eyes followed as he left and when he did I looked down at my computer. I could feel my cheeks go red, he always makes me feel so special. I shook my head slightly, getting any thoughts out of my head as I went onto YouTube to upload my video.

On my feed there was a new video that was reccomended for me. It was called "Coming out" by a YouTuber of the name CrankThatFrank.

I turned my head, looking down the hall to see if Dan was in his room. The door was closed and I told myself I would just watch this one video and then upload my own. I turned the volume on low and clicked on the video, it starting immediately.

Up on the screen came a man, who looked about in his 20's with silver hair and piercings. A few seconds passed when he spoke up.

"Hey guys," the video said. "Uh, it's Frank and um, as you could tell by the title of this video, it's um, gonna be an emotional one." I knew I should be helping Dan but I wanted to see this. I've been thinking of how I would come out to Dan...

"But it's something I feel like I can't hold back any longer... I feel like it's unhealthy to do so and I feel like repressing all this is really really unhealthy and I've been struggling with this for so so long..." I immediately felt how I related to this. "It's been affecting me tremendously and you guys didn't even know..." The man, Frank, put his hand to his face. I started to think something bad was going to happen but I kept watching.

"And I just woke up today and I was like, 'today is the day that I'm finally going to do this'... So... I, am.. Bisexual." I stopped the video and closed the tab. I couldn't watch the rest of it. I was bisexual as well and although this video could help me I couldn't watch it now. I opened up a new tab, going to YouTube again as I went to my account.

I uploaded the video and got up from the sofa, heading to Dan's room. I knocked on the door as I pushed it open slightly, Dan looking up at me and smiling.

"Sorry, YouTube was being weird and wasn't letting me upload it for a minute." I lied. Dan smiled and nodded.

"It's fine, it does that to me too." Of course it did. Me and Dan tended to have a lot in common and it definetly helped getting closer.

Unrequited Love [boyxboy] 〈Phan〉【COMPLETED】Where stories live. Discover now