Chapter 2

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I woke up in the morning, my head was sore, my throat was scratchy and my eyes felt infected. I got off my bed, groaning as I remembered what had happened the night before. I felt terrible.

I walked over to my small mirror, rubbing my eyes and fixing my hair a little.

I didn't want to see Dan. I didn't want to face him and talk to him. But I lived with him, and I couldn't sit in my room for the rest of my life. I needed food, and I was going to go get some wether it meant having to converse with Dan or not.

I unlocked my door, slowly opening it and looking down the hall to where the kitchen was. No sign of life form yet.

I creeped down the hall as quietly as I could, peeking over the wall into the kitchen. Once again, no life form found.

Opening the cupboard, I took down a box of cereal and pulled out a bowl. Slowly and carefully, I poured some of the cereal into the bowl. I made sure to be smooth but silent with my actions, as if diffusing a time bomb.

I put the cereal away as I grabbed a spoon from the drawer, but me being me I have a terrible case of clumsiness and dropped it. My eyes widened as I hurried to pick it up. But it was too late.

I heard Dan's door open and instead of running I stand there waiting my inevitable death.

Okay, that might've been an overreaction. Of course Dan wasn't going to kill me or something, but I didn't want to talk to him. So there I stood in the middle of the kitchen holding a bowl of cereal in my orange and blue boxers with a Muse shirt on. Looking like an idiot. Like always.

Dan appeared in the doorway, messy hair and shirtless as he rubbed his eyes. "Phil, are you okay?" Was all Dan asked.

I stood there, silent as my cheeks go red. "Uh-"

"I need to talk to you Phil... I'm sorry about what happened last night." Dan started, looking me in the eyes.

"I-" I stuttered. "I can't talk to you right now." I quickly walked past him, or tried to at least. I felt him grab my arm, almost causing me to drop my bowl but I pulled my arm back to my body as I hurried back to my room.

Closing and locking the door, I sighed and went to sit on my bed. I could hear Dan's footsteps come closer to my door which made me tense up, but nothing else happened. All I heard was Dan stopping in front of my door, a small hit against the door and it was silent.

I sit there, waiting for something. Anything. But there wasn't anything. I must've waited for at least 5 minutes until I heard Dan sigh and his footsteps slowly fade away.

I exhaled a shaky breath, spooning up some of my dry cereal and putting it into my mouth. It crunched and hurt my throat to swallow. I knew I should've put milk in this, but I couldn't go back out now.

I set the cereal to the side and lay down, staring up at the ceiling thinking of how much of an idiot I was. My envy and jealousy took control over my mind and I probably made Jessica break up with Dan. What a friend I am.

Until 3pm, I spent my time on tumblr and YouTube, along with figuring out what I was going to say to Dan.

By 3:30 I was hungry and thirsty so I had no choice but to leave my room and find something to eat.

Just like in the morning, I silently unlocked my door, looked down the hallway and creeped my way into the kitchen. Dan had ordered a pizza, the box was open and 3 slices were missing. I grabbed a small plate, took a couple pieces along with a cup of water and headed back down the hall.

I saw Dan at the end where the lounge was, his left hand against the wall as he looked into my eyes. He didn't say anything. I paused, looking at him and then at the ground as I retreated back to my room, locking the door.

I ate, continuing to do what I did throughout most of the day until 7 pm rolled around. I wasn't that hungry, I could last till at least 9 but I was thirsty again.

I left my room, not as cautious this time since I didn't think Dan would talk to me but as I entered the kitchen he was leaned against the counter with a bottle of red wine. He glanced over at me and set the bottle down, sighing.

"Phil..." He said softly, his glance going to the floor. I bit my bottom lip as I went to the sink, I had brought my glass from before. "Phil please just answer me..."

But I didn't. I filled my glass, looking at Dan and turned around to go back to my room.

I returned, taking a sip of my water before setting it down. I closed my laptop and sat on my bed, burying my face in my knees.

What I didn't realize was that I forgot to lock my door, and before I could stop him Dan opened my door. I looked up quickly, uncurling from the ball I was in and looking at Dan. He put his hand up as if to move me back, which I did. He shut the door and came closer.

I sat on my bed, looking up at him. "Phil, it's okay."

"It's not okay." I said. My voice was hoarse and it hurt to speak, causing me to lean over and take a sip from my water.

Dan got down on one knee so he was almost eye level. "Yes, it is." He set his hand on my knee and I felt the tingly sensation from before.

"How can you say that?" I asked, looking into his brown orbs.

"She was a bitch, Phil. I would pick my best friend over any girl any day." Dan said, and it was the truth.

I could feel my emotions start to build up and I wanted to cry right there, but I didn't want to cry in front of Dan.

He leaned forward, and for a minute I thought he was going to kiss me or something but that was too good to be true. He pulled me into a warm hug, his arms around me tightly as my mine did the same.

I had never been this close to Dan. It felt kind of weird but I didn't want it to stop.

"Phil, I'm always here when you need me. And I'm not going to care about your decisions..." Dan said. I buried my face in his shoulder where I let out a choked sob and tears left my eyes. Dan rubbed my back. Why couldn't he hold me like this every day?

A few minutes later and we had went to the lounge, where I sat on one side of the sofa and Dan sat on the other.

"You know how you said you wouldn't care about my decisions?" I kind of blurted out. When I realized what I said I regretted it. I couldn't back out of this now. I didn't want to tell Dan that I was bisexual now. But it was too late.

"Yeah?" Dan said, moving his fringe out of his eyes. I was quiet. "Phil?"

I sat, looking down at my hands cross legged across from Dan. "I'm just thinking of how to say this." I said rather quietly.

"Alright. Take your time then." Dan said. We sat in quiet for at least 5 minutes as I let out a shaky breath.

I thought back to some of those videos I watched, and how they said it with such emotion. "I should have told you this earlier but... Earlier I was unsure..."

Dan nodded.

"And I shouldn't have kept this from you. I should be able to trust you. And I do." I sighed softly.

"Um... Well... I let myself get off guard whenever I wanted to tell you this and..."

"Like I said. Take your time." Dan said softly as he rested a hand on my knee.

I took a deep breath and looked up at Dan. His brown eyes were filled with care, and acceptance it seemed like. He looked slightly worried, which was something I wasn't expecting. (Pretend this is in italics) 'You should lean in and kiss him. Right now.' My brain said as I tried to get the thought out of my head.

"Dan," I said. "I'm bisexual."
So basically if you didn't understand what was going on Phil was really scared to be confronted by Dan... And I was going to make it where Phil would tell Dan he's bi in the next chapter but I thought it would be a good way to end this one off.

I hope you like it so far :)
~ Your Neighbourhood Friendly Phangirl

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