Chapter Nine

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Grace's point of view

I roll out of bed with a thud and wait for Mason to come running to me with a worried expression like he usually does, but this time I don't hear him, the house is a little too quiet. I wonder where he is, this isn't like him to leave me in the house all by myself. I groan as I think if I needed him for something important he wouldn't be there. Maybe I rely on him too much. I walk into the bathroom and I see a note on the mirror, it must be from him. I make a note to read it after I use the bathroom. Once flushing, washing my hands, I grab the note off the mirror. To read that it says,

Good morning, I hope you slept well. To be honest I couldn't at all, I was thinking of you the whole night and to plan this special day. Finish up in the bathroom and then go eat your favorite breakfast I fixed you. Don't look for me just yet because I won't be there. You will find your next clue where you go last when finishing your food

Heart beating erratically against my chest as I wonder what he is up to, I will go along with it as I don't know what else to do. I start to think if this is what it is like to be in a relationship with someone, to feel nervous and anxious when they do small things like this, to feel like nothing in the world can be better than the feeling he gives you. I brush my teeth, taking infinity and beyond care of my teeth as the dentist goes on the list of fears I have, I then advance to wash my face, then apply lotion, fix my hair, and I am ready for the day.

I smell the chocolate pancakes or maybe waffles, as I walk down the stairs, my favorites. I didn't bother with getting dressed as I wouldn't want my food to get cold. I walk into the kitchen and I see one chocolate waffle and pancake. It is so hard for me to choose between the two, they are both my favorite, and he knows that.

I eat the waffles and pancakes, walk over to the kitchen sink to find a note hanging on the faucet and it reads,

Hope you enjoyed your breakfast that I cooked for you. I let Mandi and the rest of the team take the morning off, because she along with the others need it and plus I did most of the work already, last night since I couldn't fall asleep, I cleaned. Well just go to a place where you go every morning and find the things I compliment you on everyday. It might be plain, it might be basic but I love to compliment you every single day because I know I love to see your beautiful smile.

Mandi, the housekeeper, is so sweet and I love her she is like my mom to me, she cleans and does what she is supposed to do around the house but I honestly think she is here to keep me company, like a nanny almost. Eric and his wife Khylii are the main chefs, we have more but only for big events. Lilly, Faith, Leo, and Chance are the housekeepers as well, but they do more of the vigorous work. There are more on staff, but only for big events. Apparently I have my own team of stylist for my hair, makeup, skin, and nails. I asked Mason why but he never tells me, I think he is crazy. I always help them clean and cook even when they tell me not to, but I feel useless if I don't. My guard name is Steve, he is the definition of scary. I have known him for seven years and I have heard only 'hello' and 'no' and 'yes' and a couple of other words from him. I don't know why Mason is so protective over me, but he can chill. I am not going anywhere soon.

Focusing back on to the note, I try to think of what he compliment me on everyday. Like a light bulb went off in my head, I think clothes, he compliments my outfits everyday. I frown slightly with a roll of my eyes as I realize how he just called my clothes plain and basic. Walking into my closet I see a floral dress hanging up in the back of the closet. I pick up the dress to look at the details, as I see it still has the price tags on it, my mind goes to my wallet as I'll leave him some money on his desk. The dress was exquisite, I loved it in every way as it was something he knew I would wear.

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