Chapter Eight

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Mason's point of view

I watch her walk in to her room, and I wait to hear her door shut before I start to clean up because I am far from tired, I can't stop thinking about her. I need to come up with a plan on how to ask her out. She was my everything and deserved everything so everything was what I am going to give her.

As I continue to clean, I don't hear her asleep, I guess she is like me tonight, reckless. I'll send her on a scavenger hunt, it was the first thing that came to mind. First I need clues. Clues that will make her think but not too hard, and at the end of it she will be far more than happy.

Once my clues were done I set out to find the corresponding locations. The first one will be on her mirror stating what I want her to wear. The second clue may be on her outfit that I want her to wear or it will go to the kitchen for the third and so on.

I hope she enjoys the hunt as I also need her out the house for a few, as I only want her to accept me as hers in the end. She has been through so much, things I wish I could prevent but life happens on it's own accord, but from now on she deserves the best, and I will protect her with every fiber in my body. After loosing two of her sisters in a car crash that she was in, it broke her and I didn't think I would get her back after that. She watched her sisters die right in front of her and she couldn't do anything about it. She is strong and she turned the accident into something positive. She wanted to become a doctor because of how the doctors did everything they could to save them, though not successful. She didn't get mad at them but simply thank them and she went on with her life. She refuses to forget them, though she has nightmares about them and the car accident, I concluded that she has PTSD (Post traumatic Stress Disorder) which she denies, but she can't pass it over me. Certain things triggers those thoughts and she breaks down, and it hurts to see her like that, the only thing I can do is comfort her.

Her parents are not any better, every time she would fight with her siblings, her parents would say, "You have sisters six feet under, you should know not to fight with them." Siblings fight it's in their genes too, and if people don't, props to them. Her parents favor her younger siblings as her little sisters and brother were born after the accident, so they seem to get to do more things than what she was allowed to do. When her family left to go to Africa she didn't know what to feel.

She has been bullied for being of a higher social class, a nerd, and a young genius due to finishing school in such an accelerated pace, but I see her for what she is, a beautiful smart young lady. I can describe her for hours if I wanted to. Certain people have called her stuck up and every other name you can describe under that. She never flaunts her money around, but certain people get jealous because she makes good grades, and her parents left the house in her name. Once that happened word spread quickly. Though, I found out it was the real estates son I had some people to talk to him.

Everyone knows Grace is a sweet understanding non-judgmental girl, but it's just a few people who try to make her life a living hell. People as in this one girl attempted to start rumors about her being lesbian and shit, this girl was relentless. I am going to put her into place one of these days, when I try to stand up for her, she stops me because she says violence is not the answer, but I believe that statement is wrong. I don't appreciate that. Even now they do, she goes eat lunch with her friends on her old campus as they still go to school there, she finds the time to interact with those she is close to, but with this, people still find a way to mess with her. Her submissive attitude angers me at times as she should only ever be that way in private.

My Grace has been through a lot, from being sick, having family issues, and socially not being accepted by some people she deserves to be treated like a Princess, a Queen even. In reality she is a Queen as she is my mate, she will become one officially once my father hands over the title to me, he will give it to me when Grace is ready to take it.

The girl confuses me, but I love every single thing about her.

After handwriting the clues and hand placing each one with all the clues in the house I go to take a shower and change because tonight will be special. After finalizing plans with my staff I go to take her wallet as she will attempt to pay those I have already paid as I will be sending her to a couple of places for people to give her stuff. I don't get why she won't just accept my money, what is mine is her's and what is her's is mine.

I step into the shower and let the cool water freeze me, then I let it slowly heat up and then I shower. I let the water beat out all the knots that have built up on my body over the course of the day. I take the time to massage my knuckles as they are a slightly sore from the encounter last night. The only person who can say words, such as those, should be me and my primal side couldn't agree more.

I hope she takes her time getting to me because I have to get the house ready for people as I have been planning this for a while I just was always to nervous of what she saw me as and was waiting for the perfect moment. The reason for party last night was so Grace could have a day off to herself and with the help of some members, they were sure to make it the best for their Luna.

The Doctor and The AlphaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora