Chapter Four

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Mason's point of view

Sarah wheeled me into the hospital while Grace went to change into some scrubs, which I think is sexy as hell on her. I imagine one day when we are together she will let me rip them off of her, or maybe she would come home in her doctor coat and wear nothing underneath. For now, I must keep my head in the game, as I can't do any of those things yet. I looked at my shoulder to see that I actually lost a lot of blood and I underestimated the cut, it didn't hurt, I just didn't think it was serious.

"Sarah are you going to the party tonight?"

"Heck yes Alpha Mason, it's going to be lit"

"Never say 'lit' again please"

Sarah is a part of my pack, 97% of this city is my pack. Most of them moved here due to the fact of wanting to be close to their Alpha and Luna. They are all aware of her not knowing but they guide her in the direction of not having a heart attack when she finds out I'm a werewolf. Some of them brought her to go see Twilight as a inside joke, she took it at face value knowing to believe such things exist or not.

I could heal myself but the pathetic side of me, the one that is wrapped around Grace's finger wants her to take care of me and touch me. The truth of loving her to no end has become a reality and is hard to hide the feelings bestowed upon me, any chance I get, I take.

She comes walking in with her scrubs and gloves on with all the supplies needed, I instantly get excited to have her nurse me to health, the animal side sees fit in this and starts to come to the forefront in need.

"Hi my name is Grace Lionelle and today I will..."

"GRACE, we need you in trauma 1, a accident is on its way in, and it's big" one of the nurses said.

She looked back at me as if asking permission if she could go, I nodded my head and just like that she was gone. Sarah came in to unwrap it "Why don't you heal yourself" she whispered. "Because my instinct wants her to do it"

"Let me get this cleaned up, and she will be back shortly." I watch Sarah clean it for a while, then my gaze fell on Grace staring at her as she looked back at me every so often to catch my glimpse and attempt to pay attention at the task at hand. She looked sexy moving as fast as she could, to save the man on the stretcher life. He looked pretty bad, but it doesn't bother me because blood is all apart of life, people die all the time in front of me, it's hard not to be calloused about it, its just apart of me now.

Sarah was just about to start stitching me up when Grace walked in saying she could take over.

"You ready? Do you want some pain medicine before I start?"

"Grace, pain is my middle name" I shot her a smirk as literally Payne is my middle name. She rolled her eyes at me and started sewing me back up.

"You didn't even flinch!" She stated shocked, I just smiled and told her the truth "Well, since you were doing it, I knew you wouldn't be able to hurt, and even if you did hurt me, it wouldn't hurt because I am immune to it."

"You are crazy, ready to go?"

She gave me a sling and we drove back to my house in my car, because she refused to let me drive again 'because it needs to heal' As we arrive back to my house, we start getting the house ready. We were out shopping for two hours and we got back home and cooked for four, it took about an hour in the hospital, and it is now 2:00 and the party starts at 6:00, and Grace says she needs at least one hour to get ready.

We distributed all of the food and drinks, set up all the games locked all bedroom doors, cleaned the bathrooms, and straighten out everything by 4, so we decided to sit and take a breath



"I love you" Grace said,

I hesitated a bit because I did not know what kind of love she is talking about

"I love you too" I replied carefully

"No, listen and don't interrupt okay?" she said shakily, so I grabbed her hand and said okay. In all honesty I'm nervous on what she is about to say. What if she says she doesn't want to be my friend? I felt vulnerable and scared.

"Okay, after I say this I am going to get up and get ready for the party, no faces, keep a poker face" She told me seriously.


"I love you, once again, and you know that, and I know you love me too, but my love is different, and I hope we can stay friends after this. I have felt this way since 16, actually it started at 13 but I thought it was a petty crush. You treat me like a queen and you are always doing things for me and I don't know if it is because you find me as a sister or something more, and that's the thing, I find you attractive and sweet and kind and all these other thing. I have had a crush on you since 13 and I tried to hide it because I thought you didn't think of me as anything more than a sister. And maybe that's why you didn't know. I love you, not just brotherly love but like I want to kiss you, and you to hold me, and do other things, but I don't know. Yeah you may be shocked but I'm sorry, I have been talking to Sarah about these feeling and she told me I should tell you everything and I am, minus a few parts, but that's because I'm embarrassed. Like they won't go away, even when I look at other guys I end up comparing them to you. Even if you don't feel this way about me to I just thought to tell you so you can understand why I do things when you do things to me. I'm sorry if I just dropped a bomb on you but Sarah said I had to or she would do something to me, so yes she is blackmailing me and I am recording this for proof that I told you. I don't understand these feeling because I have never had a boyfriend before and I may be taking this perspective the wrong way. And oh gosh I'm still talking, I am so sorry."

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