CHAPTER 27 - The Challenge

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Dedicated to every single person waiting for this chap. It's a filler though.


Karthik and Sindhu were in their own happy bubble, completely oblivious to what's happening around when they heard a yell from downstairs making them pull back in fright; like teenagers caught doing something naughty.

"Sindhu.. Breakfast is ready. Bring your husband"

She cleared her throat awkwardly "Let's go"

"Wait" He pulled her back, intertwining his fingers with hers and headed downstairs.

They sat beside each other while Padma was seated at the head of the table. A servant girl served hot Poori on their plate with Potato curry.

"Yum" Sindhu muttered looking at her favorite breakfast making Karthik and Padma chuckle.

"Did you make this for me?" she asked with an exciting smile and Karthik realized how much he missed seeing that.

Her aunt smiled "I know you'll have a healthy appetite now that your husband is here"

Though she was teasing, Karthik lost his smile looking at Sindhu's weak body. He is responsible for everything she's been through.

"I hope I didn't disturb anything" Padma started just as Sindhu and Karthik's eyes met. They quickly averted their gaze blushing, remembering their moment of passion.

Karthik cleared his throat "Um no. Our discussion was over by then"

"Oh good then. By the way Sindhu.. Your eyes and nose are red and so are your lips" Padma said, trying to sound casual but he caught the tease in her voice.


When he gazed at her in shock, she was smirking at Sindhu who looked mortified.

"It must be because you were crying non-stop" she droned in the same teasing tone; he realized it to be an effort of damage control.

Sindhu didn't say a word, feeling extremely embarrassed at her aunt's statement.

She cursed Karthik for that. Why didn't he say anything about her lips? She would have waited until they looked normal. Unknowingly, her thoughts shifted back to their kiss. What a kiss it had been?

She snapped out of her dazed state when Karthik elbowed her. She steered her head to him and noticed him looking at her with a knowing smile that he tried real hard to hide.

His mouth neared her ear as he whispered "I think you should eat first"

Her eyes widened as she looked at her untouched plate and blushed "Yeah, right"

She took a piece of Poori when Padma started "So, what are you plans for the day?"

"Nothing, as of now" he replied.

"Why don't you go to the nearby pub in the evening? Both of you have had a rough week"

"No" Sindhu said the same instant Karthik replied "Fine"

"You don't want to go?" He asked, looking at her in surprise.

She made a face and lied "No. I don't like places with loud music" He need not know that  I am not comfortable being in crowds.

"Or you are scared of wearing western" he taunted making her raise her eyes.

"I can wear Jeans. It's ok to ----"

His eyes gleamed with excitement as he interfered her in a teasing tone "Why don't you say you are not comfortable wearing something---"

"Ok fine. I will come" she said, looking serious.

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