CHAPTER 7 - Stranded (II)

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Sindhu didn't have a proper sleep on the uncomfortable sofa. When she woke up the next morning, she was gifted with back pain and neck pain.

She realized it was still early as she observed the snow clad streets behind the closed doors. She folded her rug and kept it aside on the reception desk where no one was present. She used the ladies' and came back to her haven, the sofa.

Sindhu opened another book from her bag 'The Da Vince Code' by Dan Brown; the only science fiction she ever read. She was glad books could keep her company and felt proud of her idea to get them on her honeymoon trip.

She continued reading for an hour when she heard commotion in the reception desk and found Maria, the receptionist back in her position.

Occasionally couples passed by, none taking notice of her. After breakfast, she resumed reading until she heard someone nearby, talking to Maria.

When Sindhu found a Punjabi family talking animatedly to Maria, she felt happy seeing the couple and their three year old daughter; they were the first she saw here who are not a honeymoon couple.

As they continued talking, Sindhu had an idea and walked up to them. She explained her situation and asked them if she can use their room; she wanted to have a shower very badly.

The ladies' waiting room didn't have shower cubicles and she didn't feel like asking Maria if she could use hers as she knew customers are not allowed into the staff quarters.

The family understood her problem and gave their keys to her without asking anything more. They even invited her to come whenever she wanted and told she can leave her bag in their room if she wanted to. Long before, she heard the Punjabis showed the best hospitality in the whole country and realized it's true as she witnessed one.

She pulled her trolley along with her to third floor, the same floor he stayed. She opened the room and found it neat and tidy. Locking the door behind her, she opened her bag and took her clothes into the bath. After having a refreshing and hot shower, she dressed herself in a blue jeans paired with a white shirt and a cream colored woolen sweater.

She left her hair to dry naturally as she didn't have dryer. She sighed sitting on the soft mattress of the bed and enjoyed the feeling of it under her fingers. She would give anything for a bed now.

Karthik wanted to go out as he was bored staying all day in his room; he even ordered room service yesterday instead of going to the restaurant downstairs. He heard about the storm in TV and felt more angry towards his mother.

After Sindhu left, all he did was think about her. He felt a tiniest bit of guilt for accusing her without knowing the truth but it was not his mistake if she decided to leave. He thought of searching for her but didn't; convincing himself that he didn't care about her.

He strolled out of his room and locked it when he found Sindhu coming out of another room, ten feet away from him. So, she got a room. He felt a surge of relief wash through him knowing she is fine though he had no idea why. He convinced himself it was only because he didn't want the guilt conscience if something happened to her.

As she turned around after locking her door, Karthik finally got a chance to observe her. She left her hair free instead of tying it up as a ponytail like she did back home; she is also not wearing a top and legging like she always did and also had a handbag over her shoulder.

When she finally saw him, he observed her face. She had dark circles under her swollen red eyes; either she was sleep deprived or cried again.

A blank look crossed her face as she saw him and quickly averted her eyes; like she didn't want him to know she was hurt. Karthik saw her do that a number of times, in the brief time they were together.

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